Book 1: Chapter 2

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Shens day is Pretty much Walking around the city but since the day she met Mk the two would deliver some noodles with a bit of Shenanigans or Mk Calling randomly in the middle of the night and Inviting her in the Arcade to play with his Friend Mei.

"Whoa! Mk You're right she's Tall!"

"SEE? now We can Surely Get those prizes!"

She's questioning herself and these two right now like what's the deal with her height and then the game? "I'm sorry but am I supposed to hit things?" She asked and Mk oof at her. "Oh wait we forgot to tell her!" He slapped himself but Mei Assured him

"Nah Don't worry I got this!"

"So Here's the Giz, See those prizes?" Mei pointed up the Glowing Neon ceiling and There's alot of Prizes. Shen nods and then Mei laughed "the only thing you need to do is to grab those without getting hit by those Water guns" she said and in cue 10 water guns came out pointing right on their direction. Shen not even fazed by it Nods now Understanding the Mechanics.

"Okay now ready!"

She stood in the middle and Mk stood beside her, Mei Grinned "go!" She pushed the red button and the water guns Started. Shen Grabbed one of the prizes and Swiftly Dodged the water. Mk got Blasted away and the buzzer sounded indicating that he's out in the game.

"Yo Look at her go!"

Mei laughed and watched the white haired girl Dodge the bullets like a fucking boss while Snatching the prizes. Mk's eyes Sparkled and he Joined Mei with the hype of watching Shen Jump and Dodge around like it's nothing. Several people watched and Amazed by her reflexes and boy she got a lot of prizes In her arms right now.

Shen grabbed the last prize and Suprisingly she almost got hit but she Took a step back and Let the water hit Mei on the face.

New high score!

The machine Blinked and the two Cheered at her.Shen only blinked and stare at the prizes right in her arms "Yo that was so cool! Like look at you! Not even a wet shirt or hair!" Mei laughed and Shen smiled at her enthusiasm.

They tried other games like that boxing machine that Mk tried and unexpectedly got a high score or the fishing game That got Mei's face wet again. And Lastly the monkey mech game that the two oh so love.

In the end the three got a lot of prizes and Shen managed to enjoy everything "Oh! So you see Were going on a Shadowplay Tomorrow so ya Wanna come?" Mk asked and Shen Hummed "oh geez I'm sorry but I got Stuff to do tomorrow and I think it's gonna take me weeks" she smiled and the two sigh.

"That's sad"

Mei Exclaimed and Shen Chuckled at them "don't worry you two".


Shen woke up pretty early but that's the whole point she can't waste time and her living for thousands of fucking years or even millions is pissing her off especially that the Gods sealed her powers away and she can only use small Fragments of it. And also her not being able to join her two friends is just doubling her pissed face; Its sad that She can't go with them but Shen got things to do. And she needs something or maybe someone at that.

Walking through the dark alleyway her red eyes Glared at the two demons. The orange and the blue one Trembled and Shen only took a step "you two, did you saw a black Monkey by chance?" She asked and the two nods. Shen smiled and the two Trembled even more.


"I-Inside that Building! H-hes in there!

"J-just please don't Kill us!"

VANTABLACK [ Monkie Kid] [Book 1&2]Where stories live. Discover now