Book 1: Chapter 7

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"I'll be going now Mk"

"What?! Wait Where are you going?!"

Shen Stopped and she glanced to her friend. She blinked while Mk Stared at her waiting for answers "I um— I have a research to do" she Chuckled and Mk Raised a brow.

"For School purposes of course! So um Yeah! I'll be back!"

Sprinting away, Shen Has A Little time and She Needs to do something and it's not related to the next Object that they will steal instead its for health purposes.

"Here we are"

Stopping infront of a Old Temple, Macaque Jumped out in her Shadow and Stared at the Old Building. "An old temple?" He mumbled and Glanced to the white haired girl.

Is she gonna steal Buddha's Statue?

Nah that's too Wierd especially if it's her.

Following her inside she pushed the red Doors and The loud creaking sound echoed through the Large Temple. "What are we doing here? This place looks Abandoned" he Exclaimed and Shen Started to cough.

Macaque's ears perked up and his neck snapped towards her direction. Is she Okay? And is it him or is her Cheeks Getting Paler?

"*cough* were not stealing things here. Infact were here for Health purposes"

"Wha— Holy hell You're sick?"

"Ah well if you put it that way maybe it is"

Dusting off the Floor she crossed her legs and Looked at the Statue of Buddha sitting infront of her. She's not a big fan of Buddha and the Celestial God's. Infact she has a Bad Reputation to them.

And The Jade Emperor is among them with a huge hatred against her to the point that all of the gods in the Celestial realm Sealed her Powers away with multiple seals that not even The Buddhist Tripitika can Break.

She didn't expect it to be So strong and The seal is also killing her. "I've already told you about my Abilities being sealed away am I right?" She said and Macaque Stood Beside her. He stared at the Statue and then to her "well Yeah and so Stealing 4 artifacts may be the key to unlocking it" he Sighs and Shen Took a deep breath.

The sound of The wind passing through the Temples Old window and the Dripping sound of water; concentrating her flow of energy a White Seal Merged out Circling around her Figure. Each Containing Old Runes and Small Fragments of Power from the gods that sealed her away.

Macaque took a step back and Gasped at the Sudden Powerful Wind. "These seals are not only Locking me but they are also killing me inside. So this might take a while" she sighs and Macaque Only stood there watching her Try and Keep the Seals away from eating her out.

How can she handle those? 5 seals Each Locking her up and Circling her around looks painful and Not just that He can still Feel those small Fragments of power of the other gods that may be the one that Sealed her powers away.

"Do you hear that?"

Shen Exclaimed and the Shadow Monkey Looked out the window. The skies suddenly turned Blue and the wind turned even colder. Shen Stopped and The seals Disappeared, she stood up and looked up the blue sky.

"It seems that Lady Bone demon has risen from her sewer Tomb"

The ground shook and She Glanced to Macaque. This may be trouble for both of them but Shen can't let herself nor Her Companion get Caught by this. Infact if she wants things to play out then she might as well get rid of the Bone Woman first.

"This might be a opportunity for us. Shadow how about we go out and visit her?"

"Who? Lady Bonehead?"

Shen smiled and Macaque Smirked at her. Oh now that's what he likes Action! "Now your getting it Milady" summoning his staff he used his Shadow and the two Instantly teleported outside the city.

There they saw the Bone Mech Crushing a Big robot with its own hands. The Chains Breaking and The loud Clanging of metals echoed through the Dessert. Macaque huffed at the Huge Bone robot and Shen Pat's his back. "I'll handle this one Shadow" she mumbled and her red eyes Glints dangerously.

Okay that sends shivers down his Spine and Doesn't want to mess with that.

"Six eared Macaque"

The lady bone demon came out and her white Features Glared to the Shadow Monkey. "Uh yeah sure that's me"

"Hm something changed about you, perhaps that may be the cause of you easily breaking the seal"

Processing everything what she said, his head clicked and the Flow of Memory clicked inside his head. Damn she must be talking about that Stunt he did in the museum and killing her Goons so easily without a scratch.

"Ha! But Still I can't Let Insects crawling everywhere disturbing my Plans!"

The Lady bone demon Laughed and The Bone Mech raised its Hand. Shen Stepped forward and with her Own fist she Punched the Mechs Palm and it Stumbled away creating a Big Impact around the deserted area.

The wind blew stronger and The lady bone demon Stared at shock. What is that? Did that girl just really punch her Bone Mech?!

"Why hello there Little Lady"

Shen Smiled and A sudden hit of Deja vu made Macaque Blink. "Are you sure you can handle her?" He Whispered and Shen Nods. Without any Complaints he Let her be and trust her Judgement.

Hiding behind her Shadow Shen Hummed and Both Crimson eyes Glared at each other.

'White Hair...she must be the Girl then'

"You have really made a great progress of this Chess game of yours and to be honest I'm quite Impressed with that"

"You speak as if you know everything that's been going on"

She growled and Shen Hummed "what if I say Yes?" Her eyes Glowed and In a flash she teleported right in front of the Lady bone demon. With a Flick of her Hand she hit her away making the Bone Mech Crash to the Multiple pile of Rocks.

"While you're busy Playing with your pawns I took my Time to Steal some things and Thanks to you I have a great Idea to Steal the third peace of my Plan"

She laughed and The lady bone demon Screamed. The shift of atmosphere Suddenly made shen look around. "I see so you and I have similarities then" Blocking the Lady bone demons Attack. The Sky and The city started to glitch and Distort into Disturbing Shapes. "You Show them your true Self and Toy with them but as for me" Snapping her fingers. Macaque Jumped out and Multiple shadow clones Merged out Holding down the Bone Mech.

"I actually like making allies and Teach them till they Grow stronger"

With his own staff macaque Hit the lady bone demon away "For now I will spare you since Ending you that easily won't make things exciting"

A plan perfect for burying a dead woman. How Convenient.

Smiling Macaque Came out and Laughed at the Condition of the Renowned lady bone demon. He can't believe it he did just hit her and Shen Beating the hell out of her makes things even Crazier.

"So Where to Milady?"

"To the North."

Leaving the Bruised up Lady bone demon. The two Left the Area and the Bone demon Growled and Sliced the Huge rock beside her.

She can't believe it!

Her getting beat up by some mere Young girl and some Shadow Monkey. She can't let this pass not when everything is all in her control!

—Vantablack Series 1

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