2. Vincenzo & Ivy

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Serenity Jackson

March 5, 2022

Sipping on my coffee I looked up at the man across from me. My eyes narrowed down on him. Taking him in, drinking his facial features up, I notice just how amazingly handsome he is. No effort. He's cutting a pancake slice before taking it into his mouth.

His lips were so full and pink. They remind me of bubblegum. Sweet looking, inviting, and everyone's favorite. That's what Luciano was. Bubblegum.

"Just gonna stare at me or you wanna know somethings, Bella?" Luciano had a smirk on his face as he said this.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah. Where am I?"

The first question I ask because I still have no clue where I am.

"You're still in the U.S. Just not Chicago." He cut another piece of his breakfast off.

I raised my eyebrows. "Not in Chicago?!" I exclaimed.

Luciano nodded. "Yes. Tesoro keep it down. But yeah. You're in New York." He calmly told me.

"You're crazy! 'Keep it down' my ass! Why am I in New York?!"

I'm trying my best to make myself seem worried about my safety but really, I'm having a disco party in my head. The thrill that the fear gives me makes me wonder if I'm a psychopath. I hope not.


"Because isn't an answer, Luciano."

The man shrugged. "I don't know really. You should be dead or in a cell somewhere bleeding out to death. But since you're so precious," He trailed off running his eyes over my skin. "I'm sparing you.."

I didn't say anything as I took the time to take in his words.

"You know, for someone who is afraid you sure don't look too bothered by this. I mean if I recall, I kidnapped you and flew you to another state. That's not a very calming circumstance." He said with caution in his tone.

I looked at him in his grey eyes and shrugged. "My life is boring."

I wasn't lying. I did the same thing every day, I hated it. I read a lot about murders falling in love with their victim's wife, therapist who fuck their clients, mafia leaders who kidnap and fall in love. So I know. In the fiction world, it's amazing.

"So. You wanted to be kidnapped?" He asked skeptically.

I shrug. "I don't know what I wanted. I just know that I don't wanna be bored and alone anymore." I make eye contact with him.

His eyes hold something admirable about them. The way he narrows them just to look at me. He's exciting. I need excitement. I'm bored and uninterested. Until I meet Luciano.

"I see.." He stroked his stubble before leaning back manspreading. "Serenity are you ok?"

This made me scoff. He ruined the moment.

"Yes I'm fine. Why are you asking?" I snap.

Luciano threw his hands up, "I was just asking. That little announcement about not knowing what you want sounded very depressing. I would know.."

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