12. What. The. Fuck.

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Serenity Jackson

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Serenity Jackson

March 20, 2022

After we got off the jet Luci had Jared take me, Alessia, Matteo, and El to his safe house in Chicago. Which I did not know he had. Why didn't he bring me here instead of New York? Dumbass.

I needed to find out why my parents were looking for me. I know they didn't miss me. I doubt my friends even checked. So, why?

"I need to get to a phone." I said to Alessia, Matteo, and El.

They all looked at me confused.

"I need to find out why my parents were looking for me. I know they didn't miss me and I know my friends didn't check to see if I was even still alive. So, I have to know why they reported my disappearance now." I explained.

"Why don't your parents care about you?" Alessia asked gently.

I sighed thinking of how it all went down that night. August 23rd, 2021.

I sat at the table picking at my food. My father and mother both glaring at me.

"Serenity." My fathers voice said.

I looked up wincing when I saw the void of emotion in his eyes. "Yes Sir?"

"I'm buying you out of our lives." He cleared his throat sitting up straight.

I looked over at my mom. Tears blurring my vision, she just shook her head and looked away.

"What did I do? I promise I'll change just don't do this to me!" I begged. "Please!"

I know I shouldn't be this upset seeing as I am a 21 year old woman and have my own residence and career but...they were my parents. I had every right to be begging not to be disowned.

"No. I am sending you 21 million to you bank account. 21 because it's you age. You run out of money you pick you self up and you make you' own. Whateva you do, Serenity Powell, do not come back." He demanded.

The tears running down my face were never ending. I nodded my head painfully as I took the time to realize that I would never see my parents again...

"I love you Dad." I turned to my mother sniffing away my tears. "I love you Momma."

And that was the last I saw my parents. So I have no fucking idea how or why they would file a report of me being missing. Wiping my fallen tear I turn to the three curious heads looking at me.

"Because they basically sold me to loneliness." I answer Alessia after a brief trip to memory lane.

El tilted her head. "What do you mean? How is that possible?" She asks.

"They gave me 21 million dollars just to assure that I wouldn't come back home. I haven't been in contact with them since August 23rd, 2021." I answered.

I didn't miss the pity on their faces as I said this.

"Stop looking at me like that. I was 21. Far more capable of parting ways. I don't deserve your pity." I told them.

After no one spoke up I continued,

"So, I have no idea why in the world they would report me missing. It makes no sense to me at all."

"Might your parents be angry or disappointed that their daughter is being rumored to being in a relationship with the all mighty Luciano Rossi?" El asked.

I snapped my head her direction. "What?"

She nodded her head coming over to my side of the couch. She took out her phone and pulled up Instagram. What I saw caused all types of furies to cross my brain.

51468 likes | 54429 comments What's that saying again? Once you go black, you never go back? Well ladies and gay gentlemen, our sexy womanizer has gone black

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51468 likes | 54429 comments
What's that saying again? Once you go black, you never go back? Well ladies and gay gentlemen, our sexy womanizer has gone black. He ain't coming back :(

#bringLucianoback #booSerenity #cancelthisship +

What the actual fuck?

"Who posted this?It had to have been someone from inside the house! No one could have gotten that unless they took a picture from that exact angle!!" I exclaimed.

This explains everything. Did Luci know?

"I know. Will is checking it out as we speak. Him and his FBI friends are tracking the post and the house cameras." El said calming my nerves just a little bit.

"Does my brother know about this?" Matteo asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"No. We're trying to keep it that way for now. If Luciano found out about it he would want a bloodbath and we can't afford that." Elena explained.

Alessia huffed, "What does any of this have to do with Serenity being a missing person?" She asks.

"Because if this is the reason why my parents were trying to check on me then they have already found a plan to keep me away from Luci."

I looked around at all of them to see their reactions. Elena's was excited and curious with her mouth agape. Matteo's was confused and intrigued with his brows furrowed. Alesia's was just...scared, her eyes wide.

"I just need to know what it is...or who."


Currently me and Angelo were at the headquarters we had in Chicago doing a little digging on Serenity. We needed to get as deep into her childhood and teen years as possible. Who could have filed on her?


I now know that the report came from Daniel and Jimena Powell from Jamaica. I just need to know the reason. Serenity's last name wasn't Powell though. It's Jackson. So why do her parents have a different surname as her?

"Oh shit..." Angelo muttered bringing a fist to his mouth as he gaped down at his phone.

I rolled my eyes shaking my head going back to my work.

"Bro you might want to come and see this..." He brought the phone screen to my face almost blinding me.

I hit his hand back some scrunching my face up in annoyance. "That's too close idiot you're going to break my vision."

Angelo scoffed shoving the device into my hands again. "Look at the picture, then read the caption." He said.

I did as I was told and once I did I froze.

What. The. Fuck.


I think there's a sense of dramaaa, I have it alllll planned out and I'm too excited to write about it. DW; i'll give you a warning before you cry :)  Also I'm sorry for going ghost for 2 days, I'm back I promise!

xoxo, Skye

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