24. Take Off *

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Luciano Rossi

"Ah shit." I groaned as Serenity lowered herself onto my dick as we sat parked behind the loading shuttle.

Good thing all my cars are tinted.

Her moans filled my ears when she ran her lips down my neck sucking on it, definitely leaving her mark. "That's it bella...you feel so good." I bit my lip letting my head fall back onto the seat.

"I love you." She moaned as she bounced faster.

"Mmm, I love you more baby." I grabbed her hips and started to pound her from up under her.

She placed her palms to the ceiling of the car and moaned loudly tilting her head up to look up as if she was seeing stars.

"Luciano." She dragged out the 'O' as she moaned this.

"Yes beautiful?" I asked as I wrapped my hand around her throat, pulling her chin down so I can kiss her sweet lips.

"Fuckkk, Oh shit I think I'm cumming," I sped up going harder as I nipped at the skin on her cheek. "Shit, shit, shit!"

I groaned feeling that familiar feeling in my balls. "You gonna cum for me Bellisima?"

She nodded her head quickly and I smirked making her look me in the eyes.

"Hold it." I demanded her and her face dropped immensely.

"I can'tt-" She whined.

"Yes the fuck you can! Now hold it for me baby. You got this." I whisper to her as I feel my cum coming up into her.

"Shit, let it go bella." I panted looking down at our essences leaking out.

This shit looks so hot.

I look up at my baby to see her out of breath trying to catch it. I smirk kissing her lips roughly as I added my tongue. Serenity moaned into my mouth when I grabbed some ass into my hands. I slapped one cheek as I pulled away sucking on her bottom lip.

"Your flight leaves in 18 minutes Amore." I tell her looking into her eyes.

"Then come on, let's go!" She rushed hoping off my dick as it slapped my stomach still soaked with both our cum.

"Baby I can't just put it away all sticky like this." I told her. She rolled her eyes and gave me the 'boy stop playing with me' look that she always gives me. I frown. "That's unhygienic..." I muttered.

She groaned leaning over taking my dick in her mouth.

"Fuck..." I whispered and sled my finger inside of her still wet pussy.

As she sucked me off I finger fucked her. It wasn't long before I came in the back of her throat and she came onto my fingers. She came up and was about to return to her seat when I grabbed her throat and kissed her.

"I love you." I mumbled into her mouth.

"I love you too baby."

"Don't say 'too' it makes me feel like I'm forcing you to love me back." I kiss her cheek once.

"Well I do love you veryyy much but I have a first class flight to The Florida Keys leaving in like 12 minutes so I need to bounce sir." She said smiling.

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