17. Hearts

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Serenity Jackson

As soon as I got over that obscene souvenir I dialed Axel. Who was currently making a face as he examines the contents of the box.

"So you're telling me a ghost delivered you a dismantled human heart?" Axel says as he looks back at me.

I nod. "Yeah.. weird as hell." I muttered rubbing my belly. "And a note."

Axel tuts. "Definitely very weird." He says as he reads the note. "How's the baby?"

"Good." I say.

I forgot, I told Axel about my pregnancy. He was happy for me but also sad for Luci. I can feel his remorse.

"Ren..I love you but, Luciano deserves to know about his baby."

I sigh. "I know..." Remembering why he's here in the first place, I speak up, "Just focus on finding whoever this person is so I can move on with my life."

He nodded clenching his jaw. "You're right. Get some rest." He kissed my forehead with the box in his hands. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Sleep time. Yep. Do not mind if I dooo!

Axel Saint

Serenity doesn't see the state Luciano is in and it's killing my heart. I won't intrude on them though. Getting into my car I call Julie.

"Julie speaking! Yello." She answers so perky and professional I cringe.

"Never answer my phone call again with that cringy fucking memo." I say seriously starting the ignition.

"Oh stop hating Ax! You're so boringgg. What's up though?" Julie asks.

"I need you to do an autopsy on this heart that some freak left on Ren's doorstep-" She cut me off.

"A HEART TO WHO?!" She screamed into the phone.

I winced. "Serenity, goddamn stop yelling!" I scold hanging up, pulling into our 'headquarters.'

I get out with the box of a vital organ and walk into the house. I was met with both of my brothers stuffing their faces with Takis.

"You know those things kill your stomach line right?" I asked placing the box down.

Damon shrugged and so did Xavier.

"Idiots." I mumbled walking to my office.

I had some shipments to track down so I got down to that. While I waited for Jules to get here.


An hour and a half later Julie comes barging into my office with a big smile on her face. I roll my eyes. The happier she is the more annoying she is.

"Hello Axel! Where's the heart?" She asks me looking around.

"Hi, Julie. Knock next time will you? I fuck my P.A. you know. Anyways, It's in the kitchen." I tell her going back to my work.

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