6. Vulnerable

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tw: loss of family member

tw: loss of family member

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Luciano Rossi

I know I shouldn't have left her in the car but I'm mad. I'm mad that I actually believed we were something. But yet she excuses her lack of a significant other for her breach in pregnancy. Unbelievable. That's what you get for being a hopeful little bitch Luciano.

"Mío Figlio!" My mothers sweet voice welcomed me into the house.

I smile embracing her in a hug. "Hi Mamma."

She pulled back and I caught a glimpse at her beautiful brown eyes. She's been crying.

"Hai pianto. Perché?" I ask with a caution. [You've been crying. Why?]

She sniffs as her eyes get glossy, I immediately pull her in for a hug. Her frail arms wrapping around my torso she rips a shaking sob. I rub her back. My mother is crying. Why do I still want to know if Serenity is ok? My mother is fucking sobbing for what? I don't even know but all I'm thinking of right now is Serenity. My Serenity.

"Mamma, talk to me. Per favore?" My voice quiet as a whisper as I plant kisses into her soft brown hair. [please?]

"Tuo padre..." She trails off still sobbing; Trying to control them. [your father...]

I blink, "E lui?" I ask barely. [what about him?]


I stepped back some, examining her. She just looked up at me with tears staining her beautiful face. She shook her head, her bottom lip trembling.

"E lui, Mamma?" I ask again gritting my teeth this time.

She just kept shaking her head. Think like her Luciano...

The more I think about it, the more I realize. "Dov'è." I whisper tears now brewing in my eyes. [Where is he]

"Mi dispiace tanto mio figlio... se n'è andato." She shared finally breaking down.
[I'm so so sorry my son..he's gone.]

As my mother crumbled down into my arms I couldn't keep them at bay anymore. The tears ran freely down my cheeks. I hugged her tight, feeling her pain and suffering.

No. This couldn't be the family emergency she meant. It's not. I didn't even get to apologize...Why. Why now God? Out of all the times you could've taken him you choose to do it a time where I wasn't happy with our bond! You wanted me to burn in my own guilt!! Well it's happening. I'm burning. And i'm burning so bad... I looked up to the sealing concealing my tears.

"Strong men don't just cry Figlio, they be vulnerable. They show that they aren't afraid to cry, be vulnerable. Be strong My boy! Even when i'm long forgotten. YOU, be strong. Not just for me..but for your mother — my wife. Your little brother — my little devil. But mostly for yourself. Luciano — my first, legacy."

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