37. Souvenirs

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Luciano Rossi

Fucking Carson Dale. If hate was a person, to me, Carson would be the prime example. He's a obsessed little snake. The weirdo shot at MY wife and I while we were fucking. Imagine doing that just to be getting killed the next day.

"Any last words Dale?" I asked placing my hand on my pocket knife.

Many may be asking why I used a knife. Because I want to feel his filthy blood fall out of his body. I need to. I crave it just as he craves my woman.

"Only that I'd be dying semi happy." He told me weakly, his head hanging.

I raised an eyebrow. "Happy? Why are you happy with dying?" I asked.

"Because I know for a fact that she's gonna be ok." He admitted.

Took me a few seconds to connect the dots but when I did a switch flipped in my mind. "You really still care about her."

He chuckled, a rasp cough leading behind it. "Care is an understatement. I love that woman with everything I have left." He mumbled.

My eye twitched at his confession. I am the only man that will ever be allowed to love her, romantically, with everything he has. He had his chance and he fucked it up.

"Shut the fuck up. You know, I fucked her so hard this morning," I smirked watching his eyes grow dark. "And I had a moment where I took your words into consideration."


"Does she still curl her toes when you press on her stomach while fucking her?"


"Hm? What's that, Rossi." He asked with a uninterested face.

"I'll make sure to go to the hole that you're getting thrown in and let you know just how much her toes curl when I press down on her stomach." I smirk when his eyes widened. "I can't test it at the moment, because she's pregnant with our first daughter. But when Tiana's here and Serenity's all healed..." I got in his face and pressed the knife to his cold throat.

"I'll make sure I fuck her real good, just for you."

Before he can comprehend my words I slice his throat 3 times cutting deeper and deeper into his flesh. All of his blood staining my tanned skin, the walls of his body squeezing against my arm as I reach down and pull his heart from his chest.

"Makes the perfect souvenir, don't you think Matteo?" I ask as I turn around smiling at my little brother who just witnessed this whole ordeal.

"Fucking Christ. You're insane..." He murmured holding his mouth like he was about to vomit up his breakfast.

"You'll get there whenever someone like him threatens you and Sky's relationship."

"We have a friendship..not a relationship." He tries to correct me.

I roll my eyes not buying into it at all. Especially not after what happened at Tiana's reveal. I place Carson's heart on the weapon table on a clean cloth. Drying it off I tuck it neatly in my brown box.

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