3. Imagine

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Serenity Jackson

March 10, 2022

The more I stayed with Luci, Angie, and El the more I'm rewarded with action. Sure the three brought chaos but..that's what I need right now.

I'm currently laid out on my stomach, with my ass up by the pool. Elena brought me some swimsuits and they were very complimentary with my skin tone and body shape and size.

Breaking my peace Elena started talking from beside me.

"Do you wanna know something Ren?" She asked.

I turned my head to look at her in the eyes as I nodded.

"Ana has never done this. You're supposed to be dead," She looked out to the pool in thought before continuing. "I think he likes you."

Her mocking smile made one etch itself onto mine. Luciano likes me? No. She's bullshitting.

"You're shitting my dick. That's impossible-" I was cut off my the roughly deep voice of the devil himself.

"Nothing is impossible, Principessa. Especially when it comes to you." He told me sitting next to El on the lounge chair in front of me.

El squealed before standing, "Alright horny fuckers that won't fuck I have to shower. I'm going on a date." She winks waving at us as she ascended the short steps back into the house.

Horny fucks that won't fuck? What-

"Is she wrong?" Luciano asked with a smirk.

I tilted my head some with a menacing narrow. "What do you mean? You agree?"

He shrugged and looked into the crystal blue water. "We haven't fucked have we Bella?"

I gulped. Why is he asking me this? He knows the answer.

"That was rhetorical by the way. It was to maybe give you something to think about..." He muttered softly turning his gaze back to me.

I nodded smoothly. "Hm. You came out here just to ask me about my sexual desires?"

Luciano chuckled while shaking his head 'no'. "Of course not Tesoro. You've been with me for 72 hours. You've had no time to fuck anyone."

I rolled my eyes. "Funny you're keeping track of the hours. I just know that I'm not where I live." I shrugged. "But if that's not the reason for your intrusion then speak."

"I have to head back to Italy tomorrow. Family emergency,"

This confession made me sad. What about me?

"You're coming with me. Along with Lena and Angelo." He finished off.

Excited was less than my joy right about now. "Yes!" I exclaimed with a beam.

The handsome man chuckled while raising his eyebrow.

"I just told you that I'm making you come with me to Italy- a whole other country and you're response was 'YES' ?" Luciano watched me with admiration in his dark grey eyes.

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