27. 26 Dollars

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Serenity Jackson

"Bullshit! You landed on my property so you pay me my 26 dollars asshat!" El shouted across the board at Angie.

It is currently 10 o'clock at night and me, Angie, El, Will, Liam, and Sky were all playing Monopoly, Matteo just watched. Angelo had landed on Elena's Pacific Avenue.

"Hell no! You're a felon right now felon's don't get paid! You're still in jail! I don't have to pay you!" He retorted standing up as well.

"I don't give two shits!" El said again.

I rolled my eyes rubbing my belly. It's been 2 weeks and everything's been good between everyone so far. Besides Matteo and Francesco of course. Luci has been working hard on finding Isa, he updates me every day. When he can't FaceTime me he texts me these detailed paragraphs. It's really cute.

"Ok how about we read the rules babe," Will suggested reaching over to grab the rules out of the box. "personally I think Angelo's right because...that's just how the law goes, but just for your reassurance My love we'll check. K?" He said as he read over the book.

El crossed her arms as she blew a bubble with her mint gum, she starred Angie down and he didn't back down either. Liam laughed and rubbed Angelo's arm.

I'm just as confused as you.

Just as the tension was sinking in, my phone rang. I quickly answered it seeing a Facetime notification from Luci.

"Hey Bella." He greeted as he laid in the bed.

"Hi Baby." I smiled.

"I miss you." He muttered.

"Ew, Gross, Feelings." Angelo exclaimed.

Luci rolled his eyes. "Wassup Angel." He greeted and I turned the camera around so he could see us all sat around the table. "Hey Lena, Will, Skyler, Matteo..and, who the hell are you?"

We all look at Liam and his face turns red as a tomato. Angelo kisses his forehead. "Stop starring Homos." He says rolling his eyes.

"Oh. Angelo you're bringing your boyfriends in my house man! Gosh I am sorry guys, I know they're loud. I lived with them throughout college." Luciano grimaced.

I raised an eyebrow. "Wait you know him?" I asked Luci.

"Yeah, I do..Hey Liam."

"Hi Luciano.." He muttered.

"I am so fucking confused!" Will exclaimed throwing his hands up into the air.

"Ohhh! Shit it's Li Li!!! That's where I know you from! You're the guy that made Angie into a assfucker!" El realized.

"He did not make me into an assfucker!" Angelo excused. We all gave him the side eye. "Ha jokes on you motherfuckers my first kiss was a boy. I've been an assfucker!" He said smirking. "This one just was blessed enough to get it everyday."

"Oh god I remember that night. It was the night of the carnival and all the guys from the basketball team went. You and Patrick Quaker were getting jiggy on that ferris wheel." Luci exposed smirking.

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