39. Sweetheart?!

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Luciano Rossi

I was a about to be a dad... I was about to be a dad. As soon as El called me panicking about Serenity being in labor I dropped everything and rushed to the hospital. It was closer to me than it was to Serenity so I made it there first.

I'm nervous as hell. I know how painful these things are and I hate- no I despise seeing my girl in pain. But the best thing I could do as her fiancé was help her be strong throughout the whole process. I can do that.

Soon Serenity and El barged through the double doors, Serenity was in a wheelchair. She was sweating and breathing hard. Is she having a contraction??

"Help! Baby on the way!" El shouted through the lobby of the hospital.

Immediately the nurse behind the reception counter called a code 4 on her intercom. She got up and reached Serenity. My hand was in hers and I was just admiring her as she went through her contraction. I read that it was best to not interfere with these things so I haven't spoken yet.

"What is her name?" The nurse asked me. She had a Jamaican accent, just like Serenity when she got upset.

"Serenity Amina Jackson." I answered rubbing my thumb across her hand gently.

"Ok. One of the doctors will be with us shortly but first I will escort her to a room. But she seems to be pretty dilated.. are you the baby father?" She said as she took the wheelchair out of El's hands and started to push her down the hall.

"Fiancé and yes." I responded following after them.

The nurse smiled at me then looked down at Serenity. "Hello Ms. Jackson I'm nurse Diane. How far apart are they?"

Serenity took a deep breath before opening her eyes and meeting mine, she smiled weakly. "Uh, I don't know? They're not that far."

I smiled back at her and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. My hand still in hers. El had went back and got the hospital bag from the car.

"Ok perfect." Diane led us to the elevator and we went up to floor 3. The label was birth and labor unit. I suddenly felt my throat close up. This is real. Fuck.

"Sir will you help me put her in her bed for me?" She asked me.

"Of course." I picked Serenity up out of the wheelchair and onto the hospital bed. They were uncomfortable I know, which is why I tried to convince her to have Tiana in my private one.

"Are you alright, Bella?" I asked when I placed her down. I kissed her lips once.

She nodded her head with a slight smile on her face. "This hurts tho. But I'm good for right now until the next-"

She stopped talking and hissed out of pain. Her eyes were closed tightly and she looked very..constipated? I looked to the nurse to see her hooking up some wires to a machine.

"What's going on? Is this a contraction?" I asked her trying to get an understanding of what's happening to my girl.

"Yes sir. Contractions tell us when we need to start the operation and right now, unfortunately she's no where near our push point yet." She informed me.

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