35. I Fucking knew it

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Luciano Rossi

"All she tryna do is get naked.." The song sang. I watched with widened eyes as Serenity, Elena, Sky, and MY MOTHER all did what the song said next, "And she gon shake it, like a red nose."

"Oh lord." Axel mumbled as he placed his head into his hands.

"I like men and all but aren't y'all supposed to get behind them..? Or is that just in the high school movies I watch?" Liam asked us as we sat at the bar having drinks.

I nodded. "Yep, but I think our spots are taken." I mumble looking over the rim of my glass nodding at the girls throwing their asses onto each other.

The guys chuckled as they shook their heads.

"Still can't believe I have a pregnant sister." Nathan muttered.

I laughed. "With how horny your sister is I wouldn't be surprised if she was doubling in there." I said quietly to myself.

Damon heard me tho and laughed. After us conversing and talking amongst each other, letting our women and mothers do what they pleased, my mother came over and slapped my head. I groaned rubbing the spot.

"Get up! Sbrigati, è ora di tagliare la torta, Stupido!" She told me ushering everyone to gather around the cake stand. (hurry, it's time to cut the cake, stupid!)

I quickly made my way over to my beautiful woman and smirked at her. "Betting you another baby if it's both." I said to her.

Everyone laughed at my suggestion while areas Ren looked at me like I had grown 5 heads. "Mhm, if you plan on pushing the other one out!" She replied.

I shrugged. "Watch. I just know it's both." I didn't. I was just manifesting a girl because I read somewhere on Twitter that God gave you the opposite of what you ask for. It's a stretch and a weird theory but I'm not taking any chances.

"Am I the only one waiting here? Cut the damn cake Renny!" Xavier told Serenity with a persistent smile. I slightly raised a brow at the nickname. A sting of envy piercing my heart.

"Don't rush me Hoe!" She snapped back and slowly grabbed the cutting tool.

I bit my lip when she placed the item into the cake and the first slice was partly cut.

"Oh wait the blindfolds! Put em on!" Sky reminded us just in time. I rolled my eyes at her. Never fails to ruin my rule breaking.

"Grazie Skyler! I nearly forgot, myself." Mamma thanked her. "Put it on Luciano! Sbrigati! Sabrigati!" She snapped her fingers at me. (hurry! hurry!)

I huffed quietly placing the piece of silk over my eyes. "What's the point of this?" I asked annoyed. All I wanted to do was know for sure that I'm having a baby girl. I knew I was.

As I guided Serenity's hand to finish the first slice, I heard the sound of beads falling out of the center and everyone shouted and cheered. But the way I knew they were pink colored because El yelled at Angelo to pay up.

I snatched the blindfold off just when Serenity snatched hers off and I grinned at the image before me. I fucking knew it.

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