31. Begging *

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Serenity Jackson

After I had explained everything to Luciano on the phone last night he came in and basically interrogated everyone. But what I couldn't stop him from doing was putting a bullet through Willa's foot and grazing Olivine's ear with a bullet. We soon left to the hospital.

That's why I've been crying for a while now. I got news from Luci that almost everyone was hurt besides Alessia. But thankfully no one died. I wasn't surprised. Francesco adored his job as a protector. I never had a doubt in my mind that she wouldn't be safe with him.

So currently sat at the hospital with everyone in a bed, with stabling fluids pumping into them. I kept dozing off on the edge of Axel's bed. I was tired as fuck.

"Princess, go home." I heard Axel's raspy voice say.

I look up with a sense shock. "You scared me, damn." I laughed tiredly. "But no. I'm staying with you."

Axel sighed and tried to sit up, he grunted while doing so and I immediately got to his side helping him up. "I've got it, Serenity."

I rolled my eyes. "Do I need to get the doctor? Are you good?" I asked him studying his eyes.

"I'm fine, Serenity. You can go get Luciano for me tho." He said.

I raised my eyebrow but nodded.

Luciano Rossi

I was sitting with Angelo when my baby came knocking into the room. I smiled and walked over to her. "What's up Bella?" I asked her after I kiss her forehead.

"Axel asked me to come get you." She told me as she walked into Angelo's room.

I raised my eyebrow. Why would Axel need to see me? I didn't bargain and made my way to him. Once I got to the door I knocked cautiously. "Hey man." I greeted with a sad smile.

"Hey, uh why is she still here? Take her home and put her to bed. She's having a baby for christ sakes." He said talking about Serenity.

I chuckled coming over to have a seat. "My bad man. I just thought you'd wanna see her, you know."

"I did. But now I want her to get some sleep, she's tired." He sighed.

I nodded my head admiring how much he cares about her. Had me thinking.. " Have you ever thought of Serenity in a more than friendly way?" I don't know why I asked. It just slipped out.

"I mean not anything serious. I've found myself lusting to fuck her a few times," Who wouldn't? "in the past but nothing like what you two have. No, why?" He answered.

I shrugged not really knowing why myself. "I'll get her home. Get better, Saint." I said as I made my way out of his room.


When we got to the house I had brought my mother home as well. She was going to sleep early as possible because she claimed to have a headache.

"Names. I need namess." Serenity said as she laid across the bed on a pillow.

I chuckled. "Baby we'll get names, just not tonight. C'mon let me run you a bath and bathe you so you can fall asleep peacefully." I kissed her face.

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