9. Disrespect

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Serenity Jackson

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Serenity Jackson

I hang my head as I cry. Why can't he just listen sometimes? Interrupting my blame sesh I feel my wrists grow colder. I look up slowly and see that straight light brown hair in my face. I smile.

"Angie." I rasp out.

He looks up at me undoing the ankle ties, with his gorgeous teeth shining. "Hey Sunshine." He greets.

"Where's Luci? Why isn't he coming to get me?" I ask as Angelo helps me stand seeing as I've been tied down sitting in a wooden chair for 2 hours.

"Uh. He just left. He sent me in to get you..I think they needed him at the house." He smiled tightly.

"You're lying." I state crossing my arms.

He sighed, "I don't know, Ren but he's angry. Real angry. He told me he wouldn't even touch you."

My mouth grew dry. He hates me now. Great. I started to walk on my own towards Angelo's car greeting the guards that were surrounding it. I sat in the passenger seat looking out the window when the drive started.

"Are you ok Stupendo?" Angie asked softly.



Getting back to the house Angelo opened my door and led me inside. When we got inside we saw Matteo and Alessia sitting on the couch having a cup of tea.

I waved sheepishly. "Hi."

"Oh my- you're beautiful." Alessia exclaimed hurriedly walking up to me and placing her hands on my face. "Oh come, come Bella. You need food in your stomach. I don't think that bastard step son of mine fed you any."

I followed her but freezes when I realized what she just said. "Wait you knew about Yuliyan?"

Alessia nodded clearing her throat. "I'm the first person Deborah came to when she got pregnant. I knew it was Lucius's. But I couldn't break their bond." She explained. "They loved him so much."

I stared at the woman in admiration and sorrow. She's done so much yet so little for Luciano and Matteo and they don't even know it. That's what a good mother is. I wish mine did that...

"Anywho, Lasagna or Alfredo Dear?" She asked me by the cabinet.

I smiled, "Lasagna please."

She nods getting all the ingredients out. Instead of grabbing a jaw of tomato sauce she grabs two ripe tomatoes from the fridge.

"You make your own sauce?" I ask in disbelief.

She smirks while nodding at me. "I'm a real Italian. That's what I do. I make the trends. Not follow." She told me. "Now go and find Luciano. He came in looking depressed as ever."

I chuckled slightly but remembered why he looked depressed as ever. I hurt him. Shit. How am I going to fix my mistake?

Let's start with going to his bedroom, Serenity. Right. Ok. Go to his bedroom. Walking to his bedroom I feel like I'm being walked down to the electric chair like Sarah Jane from Criminal minds. I mean I wouldn't mind Morgan or Elle walking me down to be honest...

Finally getting to his door after what felt like hours I hesitate to knock. What if he's in the shower? Or sleeping? Or even reading?? I can't interr-

At the sound of a knock in front of my face I turn quickly to see Matteo with a sinister smirk on his young baby face. "You're welcome." He whispered walking away.

I go to scold him but soon as I turn away the feeling of a cool breeze on my back stops me. He opened the door. Closing my eyes cursing myself for not being quicker I turn to face him.

He's in some grey sweats and no shirt with his mid length black hair wet from a shower. He smelt like a forest freshly moistened. I inhaled his scent subconsciously. "Something smells nice."

Luciano barely smirks before his face returns cold. "What do you want, Serenity?" His tone so emotionless.

"To talk to you." I say. "I need to talk to you Luciano." I plead.

He rolls his grey eyes before looking down at me. "Come in."

I follow him as he takes a seat on the leather seat next to a Vodka station. 2 glasses and a half full bottle of Absolute Lime. He pours himself a glass before turning to me.

"You want one?" He asks.

I gently shake my head. "I'm fine."

He smirks chuckling just before he sips his drink. "I know that."

I raise an eyebrow confused by what he meant until it hit me. I rolled my eyes laughing a bit. Glad to see he still thinks i'm hot.

"Speak." He demands placing the liquor back onto the metal tray. "I don't have all night."

I clear my throat. "About tonight..I didn't mean any of the things I said to you back there. I was just sparing you some time. I am a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist major. Meaning, I know a Psycho when I see a Psycho. Which also means I know how to handle one when I encounter one."

Luciano's eyes held surprise and adoration. "What does this have to do with you agreeing with my enemy when he said I was 'selfish and self centered'?" He asks the question I knew he would.

I sit back, "Well, Yuliyan is a Psycho that doesn't really want to kill for fun but because he thinks it's going to get him what he wants, and that's attention from his biological family— you and Matteo." I look at Luci's face seeing it contort into anger and annoyance.

"We aren't related." He grumbles downing the last bits of his drink.

"Fair enough," I muttered before continuing; "So in order for me to not get myself killed, I had to do 4 things; 1. Not let him know that I wasn't as dumb as he thought I was. 2. Make him feel as if I understand his feelings. 3. Never disrespect him or make him feel unappreciated by me. Lastly 4. Establish trust." I explained.

Luciano still looked curious. So I went on.

"By doing those 4 things I had to agree with you being selfish, self centered, and an asshole. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to hurt you. I swear." I looked into his eyes.

They were softer now. They still held the adoration, curiousness, and surprise. I smiled at him needing to hear something from him. Anything.

"Hm. Amore you know I respect you right? Like...I seriously adore and cherish you so much." He says out of no where.

I furrow my eyebrows but nod. "Yeah. Why?"

A menacing smirk made its way to his face as he stands from his seat and comes over to where I was standing. He ran a cold finger down my cheek. Breathing down my neck, he gave it a small kiss trailing them up to my ear just before whispering,

"Because I'm about to fuck you with nothing but disrespect Mío Principessa."


Angry sex next chapter?!?! Angry sex next chapter. If that last sentence seems familiar to you then... you haven't seen a thing shhh.

xoxo, Skye

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