30. Explained

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Luciano Rossi

So much has gone on within the last 5 hours.

1. My nonna isn't the one that killed my grandpa or sent Serenity that heart.
2. Serenity's been kidnapped along with Dr. Rosevelt.
3. Axel, Matteo, Liam, and Elena have all been shot.
4. Angelo, Will, Francesco, and Skyler were stabbed.
5. My mother is totally fine....somehow. But thankfully.
6. I've been on my jet for about an hour, heading to Florida.

"Capo, we're landing now." Jared told me, waking me from my trance.

"Alright. Have my car ready." I ordered him pouring the rest of my Vodka down my throat.

First things first, get to my Mamma.

You're probably wondering why I'm not looking for Serenity right now. Well, remember my promise ring I put on her finger before she left? Yeah, I may not have told her everything.

"Hey can you call Darren too? I need him to do some tracking for me." I said as I got up walking out of the front door.

Taking off my glasses I hissed silently. Damn it's hot here, what the hell.

"Capo." Donovan bowed his head and handed me my car keys to my BMW.

I thanked him with a nod and got in, texting Jared to have my bags safely delivered to the house. Then I called my mom.

"Ciao Figlio." She greeted sounding tired.

I gave a sad smile. "Ciao Mamma. Sono in Florida. Sei in ospedale?" I asked as I started the car. (I'm in Florida. Are you at the hospital?)

"Oh? Sì, lo sono, siamo tutti oltre Serenity e il dottore." She answered back, the last sentence making her huff. (Oh? Yes, we all are besides Serenity and the doctor.) "Mi dispiace Tesoro." She apologized.

"Ok. Sarò lì tra 20." I announced driving off. (Ok. I'll be there in 20.)

"Guida al sicuro cara, mamma ti ama." She said. (Drive safe dear, mommy loves you.)

I rolled my eyes with a bright smile. "Lo farò, ti amo anche mamma." I responded hanging up the phone. (I will, love you too mom.)

Still can't believe every last one of them got put in the hospital, besides her...I'll have to give Francesco a raise. He definitely took my little "protect her with your life" to the head. He's got heart, i'll give him that.

Serenity Jackson

Ok, I don't like this lady but she sure does know how to buss down on some spaghetti.

"So Serenity, I heard you graduated with your masters in Psychology." Olivine said as she placed her fork down.

I nodded my head with a forced smile.

"D-Do you work as a therapist?" She asked me.

I shook my head 'no'. She hummed and looked over at Nathan. "You show cars?" She asked him.

I raised an eyebrow. That's cool as fuck. Nathan nodded with a smile. "I have a show tomorrow night, actually." He mentioned.

"Oh? Can we tag along? I would love to drive you there.." Olivine said softly.

I scoffed. "What's your deal? You kidnap us, claim to be the grandmother of my child, and now you asking Nathan if you can go to one of his shows like we know who the hell you are!" I snap. "Somebody better start making sense!"

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