33. Pussy Whipped, as fuck *

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Serenity Jackson

3 months later.

"Luciano!" I shout throughout the house. We got back to Chicago about 2 months ago. Since our trip was ruined by the whole Isa and Willa situation Luci let us all stay for another month, plus no one could travel for a while since they all got hospitalized.

"Yes Bella." He says rushing into the room. "Are you hurt? Is my baby girl ok?" He asks me quickly.

I roll my eyes. At this point he's been manifesting it be a girl since I was pregnant with the baby. I'm not complaining though. Today is our gender reveal so we'll see if his wishes were answered. The only ones that know what I'm having is Alessia and Francesco.

Over the past few months Francesco has been warming himself into Matteo's heart. You can surely see that he isn't fully over the fact that Alessia has moved on but you can tell that he's happy for her. Francesco has been the dad to me that I missed having. I'm so grateful for that.

Will and El are pregnant now, yayayaya! El also barged into my room at our house in The Keys with 5 positive pregnancy tests at 4 A.M. So far only I know about the baby inside of her, she's doing a great job at hiding it though.

"I want a fried Oreo." I say as I look up at him.

He sighed and grabbed his phone from out his pocket. "Ciao, Delieo, La mia ragazza vuole oreo fritti, potresti scivolare in questo momento e farne alcuni? Dobbiamo partire tra circa 3 ore per rivelare il nostro genere che mia madre sta lanciando." He said into the phone. (hey, Delieo, my girl wants fried oreos, could you slide by right now and make a few? We have to leave in about 3 hours for our gender reveal my mom is throwing.)

I gathered that he was talking to his chef Delieo. Del makes the best pepperoni pizza. I smile at the memory...I'm getting so fat. Lord, please come out.

"Grazie, Delieo." He thanked and hung up the phone before placing it back into his pocket. "Alright Bella Delieo is on his way, what do you wanna do in the meantime?" He asked me as he walked over and started massaging my swollen feet.

I smirked. "Pussy whipped, as fuck." I teased as I wiggled my toes in his face.

Luciano Rossi

I rolled my eyes at the beautiful woman and smiled. "I'll suck em. Stop playing."

Her face scrunched up in disapproval. "No but you can put em over your shoulder and eat this pussy." She mumbled looking at her nails.

I raised an eyebrow. Did I hear her right? "Say that again, Baby."

She looked up. "I said, eat my pussy." She repeated. But something about this time didn't seem so duplicated.

I chuckled in disbelief— not at the fact that she had said it again, but at the fact that she said again but yet it sounds like it was more of a challenge that she didn't believe I would clear. I looked at her with lust filled vision. At that moment all I saw was her thick thighs shaking as a result of me eating her pussy so good, she had to stop and ask for a breather.

I traced the top of her bottoms, a pair of my Calvin Klein boxers, and tilted my head at the woman. "Seems these pregnancy hormones have made you loose memory on who your husband is, Bella." I assumed as I pulled the boxers down slowly, kissing up her thighs on both sides.

Serenity bit her lip trying to keep in a moan. "Why do you say that?" She asked as if I don't know her better than I know myself.

"You know why, Princepessa." I murmured finally having her naked from the waist down. "Spread your legs Baby. I wanna take a look at my pretty little pussy before I destroy it."

Serenity Jackson

It was at that moment that I knew..I was royally fucked. I hesitantly spread them, the look of satisfaction and mischief not being missed by me. Shit! I should've just asked nicely! Or waited til I got my damn Oreos!

"Mmm," Luci ran a single finger down my slit. Taking the wetness that had developed from just being around him, into his mouth. "For right now, we have to work off of 2 hours and some change, so Baby pick a number 1-10..."

I gulped. Ah hell nah. This man is officially Christian Grey. "3?" I answered, more like questioned him back.

This made his face grow a sliver of anger. He slapped my pussy one harsh time, my body jerked up and I groaned out of instant pain. "Don't answer my question with another fucking question, Whore." He gritted out through a clenched jaw.

I whimpered suddenly feeling like I officially didn't know who this man was before me. But something evil and twisted inside of me wanted to see how far this stranger would go. "7." I answered confidently.

He smirked. "That's what I'm talking about. 7 times it is, Tesoro." He leaned up and kissed my lips like it was his last time doing so for a while. "I love you."

I hummed. "I love you." I said back.

As soon as those words left my mouth Luciano's head disappeared into my wetness. A loud strangled moan left my lips as I clutched onto his mid length black hair.

Alessia Rossi

"No no no! Idiota che passa al bar! Non il supporto della torta!" I shout at the youngest idiot son of mine. (idiot that goes over by the bar! not the cake stand!)

Today— well in 2 hours and 17 minutes, is Serenity and Luciano's gender reveal. They allowed me to plan since I was the one that placed the order on the pink or blue inside infested cake.


I let out a breath of frustration as I clutched onto the bride of my nose. A warm hand made its way to my waist, pulling me into their hard and warm chest. I smiled.

"Dagli una pausa tesoro, lo sta attraversando. la sua signora non è qui per tenerlo soddisfatto." Francesco said into my ear kissing my temple. (give him a break sweetheart, he's going through it. his lady isn't here to keep him pleased.)

I chuckled. It's true, Skyler wasn't able to make the set up party but promised to make it to the actual event. She had to be in school today since she took nearly 3 months off for vacation with us prior to this.

"Mm, Hai ragione, amore. Perché non prendi il suo posto allora hm? Sei abbastanza contento, sì?" I replied turning in his arms placing a firm kiss to his rough cheek. (you're right, love. why don't you take his place then hm? you're pleased enough, yes?)

Francesco laughed a deep laugh throwing his head back. He kissed my lips once. "Of course, My lady."

With that he walked over to Matteo and held out his hand, offering his help. When my stubborn son took the chance and placed a ballon into his hand, allowing help to accompany him I smiled. He's getting better...at least the best he'll ever be without his girlfriend around.

Or whatever children call it nowadays.


Am I sorry? Not really. Should I probably be? Mmm Yes. Very. But do I love you?? Absolutely 🤗💕.


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