4. Testing Luck *

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Serenity Jackson

It felt like we had been in the air for yearss. I was bored again and everyone was on their phones handling business.

"Can we all talk and not be putting all of our attention into a screen that's killing your brain cells?" I snapped at the 3.

All head came up. Angelo put his phone down and placed his hands on the table, "Yes ma'am. What do you want to talk about?"

I looked at El and Luciano. They got the hint and placed their devices down too. I smiled a smug smile sitting up straight before clearing my throat.

"Let's play 20 questions." I suggested.

Elena furrowed her eyebrows. "Is that an American thing?"

I scoffed, "Actually I'm not even American. I'm Jamaican. But yes it is an American made game." I told them.

Angelo raised his eyebrows. "Wow. You have the accent?" He asked.

"Ye, what kind' Jamaican I be if I don' have accent?" I said in the accent.

He laughed, "Right."

I smiled and turned to Luciano. "Luci you go first."

He raised an eyebrow, "Luci? Who the hell is Luci?"


"No. I'm Luci-ano. I don't know who the hell Luci is." He rolled his eyes looking away.

"Oh shut up Ana. She can call you Luci if she wants. It's your parent's fault for giving you a name that can be morphed into a woman's." Elena retorted.

This made all of us besides Luci laugh.

"So you have 2 nicknames and both are woman known names?" Angelo laughed, "That's fucking hilarious."

Luci glared at Angie. "Non dimenticare il tuo posto Angelo." He grumbled.

"Hush Ana. He is not your slave. He's a person that me and Serenity love very much. So, suck my dick." El told him off once again.

Damn this girl is a baddie.

Luciano rolled his eyes clenching his jaw. I placed my hand on his thigh and rubbed lightly to ease him. His eyes trained slowly to my hand placement before meeting my stare. He smiled, his hand overlapping mine.

"Ok can we play the game now?" Elena rushed.

"Yeah. So Luci go first." I turned to him.

He rolled his eyes.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked.

Banking on black or red.

"Dark Brown." He answered surprising me.

"That's a very..out of the box preference." I muttered.

He shrugged, "I came to a conclusion. Everything I see as art seems to have that shade in it." He replied looking down at me intensely.

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