21. Restrained *

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y'all...this is kinky 🤦🏾‍♀️ so the pet names are going to be

Serenity Jackson

"Stand up." I demanded him. He stayed sitting down with a taunting smirk on his face.

"No." He responded.

I smirked as I grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him up. Damn he is heavy. The hell... "Don't make this any harder for yourself than you've already made it, Luciano." I whispered.

I could see his Adam's apple bop up and down as he swallowed. He clenched his jaw turning his head to the side. He watched me as I sat on the edge of the bed with my legs spread.


For some reason he didn't protest. He looked up at me with lust filled grey eyes. I looked down at him smirking.

"Look at how handsome you look on your knees for me like this Baby..." I whispered against his soft lips as I pulled out a little mirror to show him. He tried to grab my thighs but I stopped him. I got up and went over to the draw with the vibrators in them.

By the repulsive look on his face he already knew what time it was. I smirked as I sat Luciano back into his seat. I took off my bra breaking the straps off of them. "Sit in the chair Luciano." I said playing with the straps.

He gulped as he looked closely at my boobs that were free for his eyes to see at this moment. He slowly but surely got up and sat in the seat behind him. After that I grabbed his wrist and wrapped the bra strap around them. His eyes widened for a split second before he clenched his jaw and looked away.

I grabbed his face with my hand the texture of the vibrator rubs his face some making him back away from it with a glare. I smirked and sat back in front of him spreading my legs as I placed the toy right on my clit.

"What speed should we try? Hm Pretty Boy?" I asked him as I swirled it.

"I don't know and I don't fucking care Serenity. Take me out of these fucking straps." He seethed.

I fake pouted. "Someone's grumpy, I think we'll start out slow and work our way up..." I turned the vibrator on to level one. "And you're going to watch me."

I started the work and threw my head back as I increased the speeds. My back arched naturally and my moans filled my own ears loudly. I sneak a peak at Luciano in my peripheral vision and smirk when I see he is clenching his jaw staring.

After I finish on the vibrator I look at him turning it off. I crawl to him sitting on my back legs and pulled his chin up and bottom lip down placing the toy on his tongue. "Suck."

He wrapped his lips around the figure. I slowly pulled it out causing his lips to make a smack sound. "Tastes better when I make it happen. But not bad Princepessa." He shrugged with a slight smirk.

I rolled my eyes rolling my tongue around my cheek. "If I untie you right now...how much pain will I be in after you've had your fun?" I ask the brunette.

"Depends on how long it takes you to say that safe word. What's the new one by the way?" He asks.

I think. Not shark. I already used it and red is too common..

"Giallo." I answered.

"Now you're going to watch yourself. Do whatever you want, but do not break eye contact with yourself."

He groaned. "Fuck Serenity. Since when were you so fucking kinky?" He said before gripping my thighs and plunging his face right between my legs. His warm tongue licked a shivering trail upon my slit.

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