29. Jackson?

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Olivine Jackson

All of my 51 years on earth I had been searching for my baby girl and boy. When I gave birth to the two at 29 years old age, I was in debt to some real bad people. Gangsters. They were ruthless. The were so ruthless that they took my babies, pulled them apart, and also sold them to families I don't even know are capable of being families. I just had to get my kids back.

So when my best friend called me and told me that there was a possibility that my daughter was in her presence, of course I didn't dwell on it.

Easy or hard way. I knew that Serenity nor Nathan were going to buy that I was their mother. But I am. Me, Olivine Jackson.

Willa Rosevelt

When Serenity came into my hospital those months ago I had my suspensions. I had gave Oli a call. She said just to make sure, to do a DNA test. I took her urine for a pregnancy test, but also her blood, when she got blood work done. I didn't truly suspect that she was pregnant. She wasn't pregnant at all. Hence why I didn't give her an ultrasound.

But now that the time flies by, she is. At least she wasn't when I diagnosed her. So she had to have had a recent development. Now I'm currently hooking up my machines so I could at least check to see if the babies were ok. The least I could do after kidnapping her.

"Willa!" I heard Olivine shout.

"D-Down here!" I yelled back covering the equipment with a white spread cloth.

Just in time too, she barged into the room with a big smile on her face. "I think they'd enjoy their rooms..no?" She said playing with her fingers.

I wanted to agree with my best friend but I just couldn't as I took a look around. I was currently in Serenity's room. The walls were  a shade of pink with those glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. Her bed was a 4 postered one, with curtains. I looked back at Oli.

"Of course," I answered partly.

She smiled bright.

"when she was a little girl."

Olivine's face fell. "I- why not now?!" She asked like an idiot.

But I understand. She missed all of their lives.

"Because she's a grown, pregnant, 22 year old woman." I reminded her with a chuckle.

Oli sighed, breaking down. I rushed over to her cradling her into my arms. "Shh it's ok, Olivine. It's ok." I whispered to her softly as she cried into my shoulder.

After a while we heard shuffling and a sharp gasp. Me and Oli quickly snapped our heads towards Serenity's bed. There she was starting at us with wide eyes.

Serenity Jackson

I'm in a room that looks to be the room of a 6 year old girl. I look over at the two women kneeled to the floor by my window. One of them I recognize as Dr. Rosevelt. The other I'm not sure of. But if you looked close you could see a resemblance between her and I.

"W-Where am I?" I stuttered out. I looked at Willa, "Why the hell did you bring me here?!" I shouted.

The unknown lady came up to me and tried touching my face, I backed away fast and shook my head. "Don't touch me!" I exclaimed.

She sighed with tears in her eyes. Now that she was up close I could see that she had Green eyes. More hazel like, but green. They were pretty. Extra pretty on a black woman. Unique.

"Hi, beautiful." She muttered starring into my eyes.

I gave her a weird look then looked back at Willa. She stood there with a smile and her arms crossed. "What is this? Willa who is this?" I asked.

"I'm Olivine." The green eyed lady smiled showing off her straight white teeth. "Sorry for the way you were brought in... I- I didn't know how to get you two here." She mumbled.

I raised both eyebrows. Two?? So she kidnapped somebody else child too?! Oh hellll nah.

"Who are you?" I asked again for the last time.

Her breath hitched in her throat like she was contemplating saying something. I waited for her to spill but she just looked away and smiled.

"You have to feed my grand babies don't you?" She said as she walked out the room, leaving me with Willa. Scared, confused, and uncomfortable.

Her grand babies? Luciano's grandmother is black? But I thought her name was Isa?! This shit is so confusing to me.

"I can see that you're confused." Willa said walking towards me. I backed away from her with a side eye.

"You betrayed me, you bitch! Just wait until my husband finds me. He will, and when he does.." I chuckled getting out of the bed to stand at her level. "you'll wish you stayed put changing old people's diapers."

I walked out of the room stopping in the hall when I saw a man looking right at me. Scary part about it was...

Nathan Jackson

She looked just like me.

Serenity Jackson

He looked just like me. Ok this place is officially the creepiest place I have ever been to. Including the weird room decor, the almost identical green eyed woman, now my doppelgänger?

I didn't even know that it was possible to have an opposite gender doppelgänger unless...you were identical twins. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What's your name?" I asked.

He cleared his throat. "Nathan Jackson. You?" He replied.


"Serenity Jackson." I murmured.

"No way- w- were you kidnapped too?!" He asked quietly looking around.

I nodded my head. "Yeah but don't worry. My husband is most likely on his way to start a war right now." I chuckled. "He's got us."

Nathan smiled. "Wait husband? You're married?" He asked connecting the dots.

I smiled brightly shaking my head. "Not yet, just promised though. But I already know that we'll be husband and wife in the future." I said rubbing my stomach.

Nathan nodded slowly glancing at my hand movements. His eyes widened. "Are you pregnant?!" He asks whispering.

I nod timidly.

"Oh my- you have to eat something. Are you hungry?"

"Yes actually but I have no clue where the kitchen is." I say looking down the hallway.

"Hm, neither do I." He smirked. "You up for a scavenger hunt?"



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