19. Reunion

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Serenity Jackson

I was stuck.

What do I say? What do I say? What-

"I don't know. Why would she threaten you Luciano? Her own grandchild." I outsmart him.

Luciano narrows his eyes at me. "Leave us."

Everyone leaves me and him alone.


"Come sit Serenity." He ordered.

I got up and sat down in my original seat, in his face.

"I already sorted stuff out. But I need you to be 100% honest with me. Ok?" He asks.

I nod hesitantly. Ok I'm scared.

"Are you pregnant?" He asks suddenly.

My breath hitched and all of my nerves shut off real fast. "W-What?" I cursed myself for stuttering.

"Bella." He whispered. "100%..."

My lip started to tremble and I looked down to avoid him seeing me ugly cry. "I'm sorry Luci."

I began my cry fest. "I should have told you but I didn't know how t- to. I am so so sorry..."

I felt his warm embrace. I held onto him sobbing into his suit jacket. I apologize in advance.

"Shhh. It's ok Baby." His whispered into my hair. "I've got you and I understand." He says.

After some time of me just crying and him whispering sweet nothings in my ear I calmed down.

"Good?" Luci asked me and I nodded. "How uh..how far along?" He asked.

"We've had sex once Luciano." I remind him.

"Just once?! I could've sworn it was at least 5 times..." He muttered.

I smirked because ain't no way he thought we fucked 5 times. Unless...

"Do you dream about fucking me sir?" I tease.

Luciano's cheeks got pink and he looked away from me giving me my answer. I laughed while backing away.

"No way!"

He groaned hiding his face in my neck. "Shut up. You can't blame me for it! I can't fuck anyone without thinking of you. My dick is exhaustingly loyal to you." He huffs.

I smile at this. His dick is loyal to me? Hm. Better be, got me carrying this baby.

"Are you happy about the baby?" He asks breaking the silence.

I nodded looking up at him. "Are you?"

He sighed. "Yes of course but...look at the consequences. My kid is already being hated on. I just don't think mafia parents is a very good thing for babies." He mumbled while playing with my curl.

I nodded agreeing with him. "It's ok though. Right? Since you know who the note came from?"

Luciano sucked in a breath then detached his self from me and sat back in his seat. He patted his lap.

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