26. Unknown

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Serenity Jackson

My first night in Florida and I'm hunched over a toilet, throwing up my very good Burger and Non-alcoholic Pina Colada.

Hey Serenity how are you? Just peachy baby!

I groaned as I finally finish and stand up shakily walking to the sink in my bathroom. I grabbed the toothbrush and toothpaste brushing my teeth and examined my bloated body.

He still likes this? Me? I look like a pregnant cow! Maybe he doesn't really like me anymore...maybe he's just being so good to me because I'm having his child or possibly his heir to his mafia!

I feel an anxiety attack coming on. Shit! Shit! Shit! He's the only one that can calm me.. but what if he doesn't wanna talk or see me ugly cry... No I can't be thinking like this! He loves me. He does like this....

Suddenly my phone rang as I was beating myself up. It was my baby!!! I answered the phone propping it up on the sink.

"Hey Sexy." He greeted with a smirk on his handsome face as he sat at his desk.

"Sexy? What the hell, I'm fat now." I mutter thinking he didn't hear me. "Hi Handsome."

The frown on his face made my heart sink. He looked so angry yet so sad at the same time?

For what? He was just- shit he heard me.

"The fuck did you just say?" He seethed.

I gulped, "Hi Handsome?" I played dumb.

"Don't act dumb with me Serenity. What. Did. You. Just. Say." He asked again in a more stern tone.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I am. So?"

"Serenity Amina Rossi. Say some shit like that again and I swear on my dead father that I will fuck you til it's engraved into your brain that every inch and crevice on your body is gorgeous. Hell- I'll even engrave it into you my-damn-self. Don't ever talk about my wife like that again. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She has the fattest ass I've ever seen, the most perfect body even when she's carrying my baby. So don't ever say that." He gave me a sad smile as he saw me crying.

I laughed, "I'm not even your wife yet Idiot." I managed to say through my tears.

Luciano scoffed. "Please, we've been married since the first time I put my cock inside that sweet little pussy of ours that I miss so much." He smirked.

"'Ours'?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

He nodded. "Mhm. Your pussy is mine Princess." He winked at me standing from his seat as the door opened. He looked down at me, "Alright Amore Mio I just wanted to see that gorgeous face, but I gotta go now. I love you."

I smiled. "I love you."

He smiled back. "Put the phone in front of my baby girl." He said.

"Baby girl? Who? I'm right here." I asked confused.

Luci chuckled. "Not you Bella, our child." He clarified.

I rolled my eyes smacking my teeth. "Boy how do you know it's a girl?" I asked still placing the phone in front of my stomach.

"Daddy Senses." I heard him say before hearing a kiss, looking down at the phone I see he had his lips pressed to it. "I love you so much bimba." He whispered. (baby girl)

Luciano being cringey? Oh woww. I pulled the phone back up to my face.

"Alright, I love you Bella and you're so perfect Baby.. never EVER forget that. You hear me Amore Mio?"

I nodded my head with a warm heart and butterflies.

"Words, Beautiful."

"Yes Sir."


I was sitting on the couch in our AirBNB alone as I watched Criminal Minds. All the others were out doing their own thing.

El wanted to go on a jet ski trip so Will went with her. Angie is with Liam somewhere in the house. Tay and Sky are at the shopping mall, Sky needed some new swimsuits because Tay says that he can't go to jail for killing desperate men...even through they're "just friends". Bullshit, I know.

Alessia was out playing at the Casino with Francesco by her side. He hasn't left it really. Willa is...actually I have no clue where Willa is.

Now that I think about it... I got up pausing my show and went to go find Angelo. I got to his door where I heard very frustrated grunts. Oh god. I knock despite not wanting to interrupt his little session.

"Shit- One second Ren!" He shouted.

I heard lots of moving around..once the door was opened all I saw was Angie without a shirt on and in his joggers but the joggers were turned all sideways and shit. I chuckled as I looked pass him to see a flustered Liam sat on the edge of the bed.

"So this is going on..?" I asked pointing between the two men. "You and Liam?"

Angelo shook his head 'no' then walked out the room shutting the door behind him. "No. Just a quick fuck, but what's up?" He blew out a heavy breath.

"Have you seen Willa anywhere?"

He gave me a puzzled look. "Who? Oh your doctor?" He said connecting the dots.

"Yeah, Dr. Rosevelt." I clarified.

"Nah I haven't, why? Is something wrong?" He began to panic.

"No no, I was just wondering because I haven't seen her either and you know she's my buddy." I told him with a light smile.

"Are you ok though Stupendo?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you. I'll just go have a nap, I'm a little tired. Have fun with Liam." I said as I started walking to my room.

Maybe Willa'll show up by the time I'm awake.


"I see you've moved out along with the others, Sister." The voice through the phone said.

I let out a shaky breath. "Look, I like Serenity. She's a very nice girl and she's going to be an amazing mother. Why on earth would you want to jeopardize that-"

"Because she's made him a fool! A coward! I need to get him back to the person that my son left in charge! Otherwise, I can kiss my family name goodbye." She snapped.

"Fine. What's first?"


Uh oh..

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