Family,Friends,and Enemies

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I blinked,cuddling into my mother's side, letting the warmth of her fur comfort me.

I had never known a better feeling than snuggling with my mother and littermate.

I opened my eyes,peering around the nursery.

A dark grey bundle was pressed against my side,its breath coming in soft gasps of air.

My mother was asleep,her eyes closed tight and her tail flicking slowly.

Across the nursery,a white she-cat lay,licking a black and white kit to smooth down its fur."Nightkit,stay put!"the she-cat mewed,her voice full of affection for the kitten.

Nightkit let out a small mew of protest,trying desperately to escape.

Nightkit had only just opened her eyes yesterday and was getting used to the den,her black paws seeming extremely clumsy.

I let out a mew of laughter as I watched the kit.

My littermate,Cloudykit,woke up,turning his head to look at me."What's so funny?"he asked sleepily.

"Nightkit! She can barely walk!"I giggled.

Cloudykit stared at the black and white kit,and also giggled. "She's so weird."he sniffed,glaring at Nightkit.

"What? No she isn't!"I protested,knowing he shouldn't be saying things like that about other kits.

"Whatever."Cloudykit scoffed,curling his short tail around his paws and falling back into sleep.

Not tired, I decided to sit outside the nursery and watch the camp.
Mother probably wouldn't mind.

Getting to my paws,I limped out of the den,my dead,useless left back leg dragging in the dirt.

Other cats said I was cursed with my leg because my father was a medicine cat,but my mother would always tell me I was blessed,a Gift from StarClan.

I didn't know if I believed her though.

Settling down outside the nursery,I gazed around the camp,my eager eyes scanning every inch of it.

Warmth from the sun bathed my back,and it was different from the warmth my mother gave me.

Volepoppy and Cloverstream were sharing tongues near the warrior den,their loud meowing echoing around the camp.Podpaw,Silverpaw and Duskpaw were battling outside the apprentice den,fur bristling and ears back.I remember hearing Silverkit becoming an apprentice a few days ago.

Cottonwillow padded by,a vole in her jaws,and gave my bad leg a cold look,a low growl coming from her throat.

Cottonwillow really thought I should've been killed when I was young,saying my useless leg would only be a burden. And no matter how many times Hornetstar asked her why,she would always just shake her head and continue on with her duties.

Hornetstar was one of the few cats that loved me,he really cared for me as if I was his daughter.He was heartbroken when the Clan demanded that my father,Dewbush,be banished from the Clan,or killed.My leader decided he didn't want to kill anybody,and banished the former medicine cat,leaving us with Ferretcloud,Dewbush's well trained medicine apprentice.

Honeyspot,an elder,hurried over to shoo Cottonwillow away from me,knowing how much it hurt me for cats to stare.

After shooing the she-cat away,the skinny elder sat down beside me,gazing fondly at me."Gingerpaw,you know you're blessed right?"

I blinked at her,unsure what to answer with.Should I tell her the truth? Or lie?

"Umm,I'm not sure."I answered honestly,twitching my tiny ears."The Clan seems to hate me,making me feel like I'm useless."I admitted.

"You will be okay."Honeyspot rested her tail-tip on my shoulder,murmuring encouraging words into my ear.

Then she rose to her feet,padding back to her den.

I turned,boredom tugging at my paws,and headed back into the nursery.

I don't know what my life holds,but I'll figure it out when it comes to that part.
And I will have my mother and littermate to help me along that journey.


There,first chapter.

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