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I had been thinking hard about Iciclekit's death for the past three days,and I had only come a bit closer to solving it.Tinystorm offered to help me,which I eagerly accepted.

So she and I sat down beside a small pond to chat.

"I still don't understand why any-cat would feed an innocent kit desthberries!"Tinystorm's pelt was ruffled in rage.

"I don't either,but that's what we are trying to figure out."I gazed at the water,which rippled in the breeze.

"Any suspicious suspects in mind?"Smokepaw pondered,who had also said he'd help.

"Let's rule out a few cats,"I started. "I doubt it was Hornetstar,I know him well,he wouldn't do that."

"Agreed."Tinystorm nodded,her gaze fixed on a slug inching its way along a rock.

"And it totally wasn't Blossomfeather."Smokepaw added,his voice thoughtful.

"There are actually a few cats who I haven't really talked to a lot.Mabye we should observe some?"I angled my head,my gaze flickering between Smokepaw and Tinystorm.

"Alright."Smokepaw nodded absently.

"Mabye it was Cottonwillow?"Tinystorm frowned,pawing at the dirty earth with a paw.

"It's possible,although I don't think she would kill a kit."I hummed.

"We'll solve this mystery eventually.Share any information we learn.See you both later."Smokepaw mewed,rising to his paws.

I would keep a close eye out for anyone suspicious,that was for sure.


I sat down beside Amberpounce,a vole in my jaws.I was starving,and ready for a peaceful meal.

"Hello,"Amberpounce greeted me warmly,her eyes shining. "Good day today."She was nibbling away at at squirrel.

"I suppose,yes."I nodded,taking a bite of my meal. "I've just been so stressed lately."I admitted.

"Why?Iciclekit's death,or something else?"She asked me.

"Iciclekit's death,"I confirmed. "She was just so young....and I don't get why anyone would want to kill her!"

"It doesn't make since,I know.And Blossomfeather has taken this news hard.But it will get better,trust me."Amberpounce's gentle green eyes gazed at me.

"Thanks.I'm trying my best,but I feel like I'm not a very good deputy.."I sighed.

"Mouse-brain,"Amberpounce rolled her eyes. "You're the best deputy here.Hornetstar chose you,that should be enough for you to tell.Gingerleaf,you're doing a great job."

I didn't think so.I couldn't stop Iciclekit from dying,nor find out her murderer,I could barely plan patrols.I didn't know what I was doing.

"Just give it some time."The ginger she-cat soothed,running her tail along my flank.


I continued to eat,although Amberpounce got up and left.

I narrowed my eyes as I watched the camp.Podflame was chatting with his sister,Dusksky.They were sitting beside the prey-pile,fur fluffed out.

It looked like it might snow soon,the clouds gray and the air cold.
I wasn't looking forward to the cold snow,but there wasn't anything I could do to stop it.

Dusksky hissed something to her brother,before slinking off into the warriors den.

"Hmm."I squinted my eyes at Podflame,getting up and approaching him.

"Hey,what's up with your sister?"I questioned carefully.

He sighed deeply,turning to face me. "I don't know."He muttered nervously.

"Hmm...You sure?"

"Y-yeah....It's just her personally problems...She doesn't want me to tell anyone..."

That's pretty suspicious,if I do say so myself,which I do.

"Well,I'll keep an eye on her.."I turned around.

"You really don't have to! She's fine!"Podflame's desperate mew sounded behind me.I ignored it,heading into the warrior den.

I noticed that Dusksky had somehow vanished from the den. "That is so weird,I swear I saw her come in here."I mumbled to myself.

The only other cat in the den was Marblepelt,and she was fast asleep in the corner.

"I have to go find,Dusksky."I mewed to myself,my voice determined.

Slipping out of the den,I saw that Podflame had disappeared.Heading out of the camp I started through the forest,leaping over sticks and rocks and pushing aside branches and bushes.

I swam through a shallow river,to come face to face with Dusksky.She let out a disappointed sigh,sitting down gracefully.

"You're here because you think I murdered,Iciclekit.I know."She huffed,rolling her eyes.

" did you know?"I also sat down,but more hesitantly.

"Because,she was killed,so of course someone is going to try and solve the mystery.Who all is?"

"Just Tinystorm,Smokepaw and I,that I know of,anyway."I tilted my head,watching the she-cat carefully.
"Did you?"

"What? Kill her?"Dusksky snorted.

"Yes."I sighed.She was stalling,wasn't she?

"It was an accident,I swear!"Dusksky wailed,her face sad and guilty. "I was hanging out with Iciclekit,because she begged me to take her out of camp.We were walking out of the entrance,and I saw the berries.I knew they were deathberries,and thought Iciclekit knew to.So I decided to play a game.I told her,in a playful tone,that we should eat some of the berries.I thought she was playing along,so when she said, 'oh,can I?!' I said, 'Yes,sure!'.Well,she rushed forward and shoved a bunch in her mouth.I started freaking out,and didn't know what to do.....So I ran...I was hoping someone would get Ferretcloud and she would be alright...I feel horrible."

Dusksky seemed like she meant it,her tail tucked tightly around her and her head lowered.She looked miserable.

"You could have done a few things better,but I won't tell anyone.."I frowned,scuffling the ground with a paw.

Was this the right thing to do? She didn't kill the kit on purpose....But she might just be making this up.

She must be extremely good at acting then...I don't think she's lying..

"Thank you! I promise I won't do anything like that again!"Dusksky rubbed her head against my chest,relief pouring off her in waves.

Just then Podflame burst through the bushes,staring straight at his sister. "Gingerleaf figured it-"He paused when he saw me,eyes wide with confusion.

"She told me."I dipped my head,amusement tickling my whiskers.

"Oh...You-you aren't going to tell anyone,right?"He breathed.

"No.But I have to tell Tinystorm and Smokepaw.But if I tell them,they won't say a word to any-cat."I promised.

"Alright.."Dusksky seemed reluctant to believe that,but agreed to it anyway.

"Thank you for telling me."I smiled softly at the murderer,who smiled back

I was still going to keep an eye on Dusksky,who knows,she could've been lying.

I won't let anymore innocent cats die,not on my watch.

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