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I sighed,rolling onto my side in the warriors den.

It was strange not being able to chat with Silverpaw before sleeping.

It was much harder to fall asleep,especially when Nightpaw was still missing.

It had been around three days now,and there was still no sign of her.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to fall asleep,I got up and quietly headed outside.

The nighttime air was crisp and chilly,and I could see my breath in front of me.

Fluffing out my fur,I decided to take a walk.

As I slowly made my way toward the river,I head a strange meow sound,and angled my ears to listen.

Following the sound,I kept quiet,unsure of what it was I was heading towards.

Suddenly the ground stopped,and I nearly fell forward into a hole.

Letting out a meow of fear,I sunk my claws into the ground,and backed up.

"Hello?!"A voice called from down in the hole.

"Nightpaw!? It's me,Gingerleaf!!"I yowled back,relieved that the apprentice was finally found.

"Don't worry about getting me out right now, please,I'm nearly starved! Can you catch me something to eat? Preferably NOT a mouse."Nightpaw begged.

I frowned. "Okay! Be back in a bit."


I came back to the hole with a sparrow in my jaws.
The moon was fully risen in the sky,clouds slightly covering it.

I tossed the bird down,and it landed with a soft 'plop'.

"Thank you!"Nightpaw meowed,digging in and finishing the bird in a couple seconds,spitting out bones and feathers.

"That was quick!"I mewed,leaning my head over the edge to peer down in the hole.

"Yes,now get me out of here!!"

I peered around for something I could use,and spotted a think vine wrapped around a tree.Heading over to it,I grabbed it with my teeth,and pulled it off,dragging it over to the hole.I did my best to tie it around a rock a few ways away,and dropped it down in the hole.

There was clawing,the vine shook,and a black and white furred head popped up from the hole.

I blinked in surprise to see a scrawny mouse clinging to Nightpaw's fur.

"Ummm,Nightpaw,are you aware that you have a mouse in your fur?"I mewed.

Nightpaw giggled. "Yes.This is Grey,he was stuck down there so I thought I'd get him out."

Grey clambered off of the apprentice,and went a few feet away,before turning around,squeaking a couple times at Nightpaw,and hurrying away.

"He was really friendly and weirdly adorable."Nightpaw smiled,then she yawned. "But now I'm tired and ready to go back home. I miss my mother."

Nodding,I nudged the apprentice,and we headed back home.

Thank StarClan that I found her when I did,and that she was okay.I don't know what would of happened to her if she wasn't found for a few more days.

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