Anger,Almost Death,Oh!+Kits.

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So,I kinda forgot about Blossomfeather's and Frostpool's kits.In chapter 9(Deathberries) it mentioned that Blossomfeather was due in a few weeks,and I pretty much forgot all that.So in this chapter the kits are born.

I yawned,sitting up and blinking sleepily.

I had to get up and go find Snake,to tell her my choice.Hopefully she is okay with it.

I carefully made my way around Robinfeather,who was snoring peacefully by my side.

Jumping softly over Cherrybreeze,I excited the den.

Slipping out of camp,I padded toward our meeting spot,where I had found her yesterday.

I crouched in the bushes and waited,my breathing quietly and quickly.

I bet I waited for a good four minutes before I heard rustling in the bushes across the clearing.

The dirty furred brown she-cat slithered to the center of the clearing.

I padded out,a slight limp in my walk. "Greetings,Snake."I dipped my head.

She didn't reply,simply stared at me until I sat down. "Sssso,"she prompted. "What'sssss your anssssswer?"

I gulped.

'Twas the moment of truth,would she or would she not be upset?

"I'm staying with my Clan."I stared at my paws.

A disapproving snort sounded from the dusty brown cat. "Thought you might sssssay that,sssso I brought thissss to change your mind."

Two muscular toms pushed through the bushes,and cornered me,laughing bitterly.

"Join ussssss,or die."Snake laughed cruelly,her voice cold and her eyes dark.

My eyes widened,and I started shivering. "I-I will never join you!"I yelled loudly,my voice shaking.

"Fine,"Snake meowed,her eyes cold and sparkling and a creepy smile on her face. "Kill her." She ordered.

The toms didn't hesitate to obey.

They circled me,swiping their claws and pulling out tufts of my fur.

One of them clawed my head,making me dizzy.

Then they pounced forward,arms outstretched.

Thinking as fast as I could,I dove under them,and they collided into each other with a loud clunk.I rolled across the ground,leapt to my three feet,and bolted for camp,footsteps pounding closely behind me.

I could feel breath on my tail,and my neck fur bristled.

Whipping my tail up to arch over my back,I continued on,panting and my lunges burning.

I pushed through camp,and the two toms followed.

I threw myself behind the nearest cat,that happened to be Cottonwillow.Her eyes widened in surprise.

"What in StarClan..."She murmured,fluffing out her fur to make her seem bigger,as she faced the strangers in front of her.

Hornetstar came out from his den,and padded quickly over to us,facing the tom cats. "What are you doing here?"

"We have orders from our boss to kill this cat."one spoke.

Hornetstar looked at me,eyes wide in shock. "What did you do!?!?"

"Nothing! Or well,nothing that bad!"I shuffled my front paw awkwardly on the ground.

"What are your names,and your boss's name?"The NewtClan leader questioned them.

"I'm,Owl,and this is,Falcon.Our boss's name is Snake."Owl explained.

"All animals I see."Cottonwillow chuckled,then glared at Owl and Falcon.

The Clan had been watching this scene unfold before them,crouched around the clearing and murmuring loudly amongst themselves.

"Where is,Geckopuddle?"Hornetstar asked the nearest cat,which was Wolfhowl.

"Out patrolling."

"You must leave."Hornetstar demanded the two cats. "You're not going to kill my warrior,not on my watch."

Giving a small nod,four cats came over to escort the rogues away from camp.

Amberpounce,Fogfoot,Cloverstream and Wolfhowl lead them away.

Cottonwillow sunk her claws into the ground. "I would've liked to claw their ears off,gorged out their eyes,drunk their blood and then thrown them off a cliff!!!!"She growled.

"Calm down!!"Hornetstar gaped at her. "They didn't really do any harm!"

"They nearly killed,Gingerleaf!!"
Cottonwillow snarled.

Since when did she care?
Mabye she was changing.
Because it was possible to change.I knew that better than any-cat.

|~|Next Day|~|

As I left the warrior den,I noticed Frostpool pacing nervously around the Nursery.

A large crowd of cats were near by,eyeing each other and chatting softly.

"What's going on?"I asked Tinystorm.

"Oh! Blossomfeather's kits are being born! Ferretcloud is in there now.It's been a few minutes."She replied,swaying nervously a bit as she sat.

"I'm so excited to see them!"I mewed.

A few feet away,Silverpaw and Nightpaw were keeping Almondkit and Hazelkit distracted,tossing a moss ball for them to play with.

"The apprentices are so good with the kits."I observed.

"Yes."Tinystorm smiled.

Ferretcloud left the den,smiling happily. "The kitting was successful!"

Frostpool let out a loud sigh of relief,and pushed passed the medicine cat to get into the nursery.

"May we see them?"I asked.

"Yes,"Ferretcloud replied. "But only two cats at a time."

Tinystorm and I went first,and I gasped when I saw them.

The little kits were wriggling around,meowing and wailing for milk.
Blossomfeather pushed them closer to her,and the kits began to suckle.

"What're you going to name them?"I asked softly.

Frostpool smiled at his mate. "Let's see here...well,that one is white,so maybe.....Iciclekit?"

"Yes! And this one is brown,so....Twigkit!"

There was one last kit,a small ginger kit,he looked almost like me!

"What if you named that one,Scorchkit?"I suggested.

Blossomfeather's eyes shined. "Yes,of course! Thank you,Gingerleaf."

Smiling,Tinystorm and I watched the kits for a bit longer.

Why are baby cats so cute?

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