Fun,Friends and Frogs

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"Then I give you your warrior name,from this day forward your name will be.....Silvershine!"Hornetstar smiled approvingly down at the silver furred she-cat.

I purred. Yay! Now Silverpa-Silvershine can spend more time with me! Mabye our bond can be fixed.

And as I promised,I cheered the loudest!

"Silvershine! Silvershine! SILVERSHINE!!!!!!"

Silvershine puffed out her chest,as her Clanmates called her name.

"You'll sit vigil tonight.Clan dismissed."Hornetstar mewed,jumping down from the meeting rock and padding off to his den.

"This is so exciting!!"Silvershine shrieked,bouncing up and down. "I'm finally a warrior!!"

I purred in amusement,sitting down. "Now we can chat before we go to sleep like we used to when we were apprentices!"

Silvershine smiled warmly at me. "Yes! Oh how I've missed you."her eyes shone with sadness,then it disappeared as she smiled again. "Let's go hunting to celebrate!"

"Alright,"I meowed,standing up. "Just us? Or taking someone else too?"

"Let's ask Tinystorm if she wants to come,she is the third member of our trio."Silvershine grinned.

We headed over to where the small she-cat lay,grooming her pelt.

"Greetings,Tinystorm."I dipped my head in friendly greeting.

"Hello! How are you? I'm so glad you got your Warrior name,Silvershine!"

The silver cat purred. "Thank you! And I'm good! We were wondering if you'd like to come hunting with us? To celebrate me becoming a warrior!"

Tinystorm stood up. "Of course!"

"Then let's go!"I led the way through the clearing,and out of the camp.

We walked along the soft,mushy ground of the swamp-like area,stopping every one in a while to sniff for prey.

"Frogs usually spend a lot of their time here,so we might be able to find some."Tinystorm explained,crouching down low to the ground,her belly fur damp from the wet earth beneath her.

I crouched as well,opening my mouth to drink in the scents and smells around us.

"I do smell frog."Silvershine observed,flicking her ears to the left.

I glanced toward a small pond,full of algae and Lilly-pads and spotted a green lump among the brown earth.

"There!"I hissed quietly,inching toward it.

We all spread out,trying to trap the frog.Then I sprung forward,paws outstretched and teeth bared.I hooked it under my paw,and flung it in the air.It landed,breath knocked out of it,on the ground,mere inches away from where Silvershine was waiting,and lunged forward to bite it,killing it.

"Good job!"Tinystorm purred,hurrying over.

"Thanks."I smiled,staring down at the slimy,green creature laying dead at Silvershine's paws.

"Who would even eat this!!?"The silver cat wrinkled her nose in disgust as she sniffed it.

"Hush now,"Tinystorm scolded. "You est if you are hungry.Prey is prey,no matter if it is a juicy,meaty mouse or a slimy,skinny frog."

"Yes,Tinystorm."Silvershine ducked her head,embarrassed.

I giggled in amusement. "Frogs are actually surprisingly good."


"Yea,they taste best after a day or two,I don't really like fresh frogs."

Tinystorm grasped the dead prey gently in her teeth. "Let's head home."She mumbled.

"Yeah,"I grinned. "Some-cat has a looooooong night to sit through,all alone."

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