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I am sooooo bored!

Geckopuddle told me I wasn't needed in any patrols today.Now what was I supposed to do?

Padding around camp for the fourth time that day,I finally decided to go for a walk.

Heading into the forest,I walked toward the Thunderpath.Mabye I could watch the monsters driving by.

Leaves crunched under my paws,and the chilly breeze made my nose cold.
A crow called from somewhere in the trees,startling me.

Once I reached the Thunderpath,I sat down a little ways away to watch as the speeding monsters drove by,sending dirt and rocks scattering across the grass.

The sun was high in the sky and it warmed my pelt.It felt nice.A soft,cold breeze blew against my face,and I drank in the smells around me,which were mostly smoke and unknown things coming from the monsters.

"Greetings,"I voice meowed from my left,and I turned to see a gray cat sliding over to me. "How are you,Clan cat?"

"I'm doing okay,"I shrugged. "Not much for me to do today so I decided to come here."

"I'm,Smoke.I live in one of those
Two-leg dens over there."He pointed with his tail,sitting down beside me.

He looked about my age,mabye a few moons older.

"I'm,Gingerleaf,a NewtClan Warrior."I replied in a friendly tone,wrapping my tail around my paws.

"It's a nice day out."Smoke purred,closing his eyes.

"Yes,"I mewed,feeling that I could trust him. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure."He shrugged slightly,without opening his eyes.

"How come I've never seen you before? You don't wear a collar,or even seem like a Kittypet at all."

Smoke stayed silent for a moment,then opened his eyes and stared at me. "Well....I'm mostly an outdoor cat,so I spend my time hanging out in the village with other cats,or hunting mice.I don't know why you haven't seen me before,I've seen you plenty of times before."

"Oh,you have?"

"Yes.When I sit on my fence,sometimes I'll see a group of cats slinking through the woods.And it's not hard to see your fluffy,orange pelt."Smoke meowed in amusement.

"True.When Leaf-bare comes,I'll stick out against the snow."

Smoke shifted his paws,glancing at me nervously. "Do you think I could join your Clan?"

I stared at him in shock. He wanted to join my Clan?

"I...I don't know,I suppose we could ask."I offered.

"Oh,yes please!"He exclaimed,leaping to his feet. "Lead the way!!"

Chuckling,I got to my feet and started walking toward camp,Smoke by my side.

He fluffed out his fur,tasting the air. "I smell lots of cats." He meowed as we got closer to camp.

"Yeah,it might be a bit overwhelming at first,but you'll get used to it." I reassured him.

We padding along in silence,only the soft calls of birds breaking the quietness around us.

Suddenly Smoke let out a hiss and dropped to a crouch.I crouched as well,confused.

Did he spy other cats? Or a fox?

Stalking into the bushes I heard a squeak,and Smoke emerged with a mouse dangling from his jaws.

"Good job! I didn't know Kittypets could hunt!"I teased,purring.

He set down the mouse gently. "Well I'm not like other kittypets,I've actually practiced hunting."

Picking up his mouse,I started forward again,enjoying time in the forest with my new friend.

"This is amazing!"Smoke glanced around,eyeing the whole place.

As we walked up to the entrance of the camp,I saw Robinfeather standing guard.He stared at Smoke,suspicious and hostile. "Who is he?"He narrowed his eyes.

"This is my new friend,Smoke,"I set down the mouse. "he wants to join the Clan.I'm taking him to see,Hornetstar."

Robinfeather stared into my eyes for a moment,then tore his gaze from mine. "Fine.But don't say I didn't warn you when the Clan hates him."

Dipping my head,we trotted into camp,my home.

Dropping the mouse on the prey-pile,we headed toward the leader's den,ignoring the curious looks from the cats around us.

We entered the den and sat down before Hornetstar.

"Greetings,"I dipped my head respectfully. "I have come to ask if my new friend could join our Clan."

"I'm,Smoke,"Smoke meowed. "I already know how to hunt,and I know some defence."

Hornetstar gazed at Smoke for a moment. "Very well,"He mewed. "Gingerleaf can mentor you,your training starts tomorrow."

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