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"From this day on,your name shall be...,"Hornetstar took a break for a super epic,dramatic pause. "Gingerleaf!"

I beamed with pride,puffing out my chest as my Clanmates cheered and chanted my name.

"Gingerleaf! Gingerleaf! Gingerleaf!"

Suddenly I felt kind of sad that Silverpaw wouldn't get to be made a warrior with me.

When her time comes,I will cheer the loudest!

"You will sit vigil tonight,I hope you enjoy the (hopefully) quiet night,"The NewtClan leader dipped his head. "Clan dismissed."Then he hopped down from the rock,and entered his den.

Silverpaw,padded over to me. "Congratulations!"She purred.

"Thanks,"I mewed. "I'm just sad you didn't get to be made a warrior beside me."

The silver apprentice waved her tail dismissively. "Whatever.When I'm ready,I'm ready.Now let's go see Basilfur's kits!"

The brown furred queen had recently given birth to two healthy kits,and I hadn't seen them yet.

We entered the nursery and the warm scent of milk flooded my nose.

Memories of my own time in the nursery swarmed through my head,and I choked back a sob as I remembered snuggling with my mother and littermate.

Pushing away the memories,I crouched beside the kits.

"Greetings,girls."Basilfur called softly,opening her eyes to watch us.

"Hi,how are the kits? And you and Hawkbelly?"I asked.

"Hawkbelly hasn't stopped worrying,I'm having a healthy recovery,and the kits are doing wonderful.This is Hazelkit,"The queen pointed to a small,light brown she-kit. "And this is Almondkit."She licked the larger of the two,the tom,on the head.He too was brown,but a much darker brown,and had lighter brown spots in a couple of places along his small body.

"They're beautiful!"Silverpaw breathed.

"Gingerleaf! Silverpaw! Come here please!"A voice called from out of the den.

"See you later,I'll get somebody to bring you prey and water later!"I called over my shoulder,as I left the den,Silverpaw right behind me.

We approached Frogwhisker,who looked worried.

"Have you seen Nightpaw? I haven't seen her since before your ceremony."The tom meowed,his eyes narrowed.

"No,I haven't."Silverpaw shook her head.

"What if she ran away? But why would she?"I flicked my tail,deep in thought.

"Well,"Frogwhisker started uncomfortably,shifting his paws. "she did tell me before how unfair it was that you got your Warrior ceremony....but I thought nothing of it and just ignored her...mabye she got upset and ran away?"

I nodded. "Most likely.She will probably be back though,I don't think we should worry."

Plus I'm older than her! She will get her warrior name some day.I worked hard for mine!

Frogwhisker gave a small nod,uncertainty shining in his eyes. "I hope you're right,Gingerleaf."

"I hope so too."I murmured.


Nightpaw's PoV-

It was getting dark,and I was getting scared.

I was crouched in an abandoned fox nest,trying to stay out of the rainy coldness.

I smiled bitterly,remembering how,Gingerpaw..errr,Whatever her warrior name was,would be sitting vigil  out in the rainy dampness.

You should be happy for her! You monster!

I think I have some problems,but whatever! Who cares?

Burrowing deeper into the den,I pressed my body against the wall,cool air swirling around in the den.

The freezing, hard earth pressed against my paw pads,sending shivers through my body.

"I-I should get b-back n-now."I shivered,my voice shaking due to the bitter coldness surrounding me, and possibly because I was scared.

Getting to my paws,I pushed back the groans,and started my way toward camp,or at least the way I thought it was.

The rain battered at my fur,flattening it to my skin and making me appear even smaller than I was.

I heard an owl hoot in the distance,and I flinched.

The forest was scary during the night!

"Oh StarClan!"I wailed. "How will I ever get home?!"

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