Trapped pt.2

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I paced around the hole,and realized,it was actually quite big!

There was plenty room for a cat as small as me,mabye even five or six more.

"Mabye I can find some mice down here."I talked to myself.

I listened closely,but heard no sound of prey.

Then I heard scrambling in the corner of the hole.Crouching down I inched over to it,not having to go far.

A small,grey mouse was scratching at the ground,fearfully watching me.

I felt kind of bad for it,it was trapped down here too.

"Hey little guy,or little gal."I cooed,feeling slightly weird at talking to my prey like this.

The mouse looked at me,suspicion in its gaze,although the fear was fading.

"I won't hurt you."I sighed,sitting down and wrapping my dusty tail around my paws.

The mouse slowly stepped forward,then sat beside me.

"I'll call you.....Grey,because you have grey fur!"I grinned.

The mouse tilted its head,making a squeaking sound and twitching its nose.

"Don't worry bud,we will be out of here soon,I'm sure of it,"I glanced at the hole in the roof. "I hope so anyway."

<~>Gingerleaf's PoV<~>

"Come on guys! Let's split up,we can cover more ground that way."I instructed.

Volepoppy padded over to,Podflame. "We can go together."Volepoppy mewed.

Podflame nodded,and the two cats padded off,calling Nightpaw's name.

Silverpaw and,Tinystorm looked at each other,then me. "Are you good on your own?"

"I'll be okay,we won't be far anyway,I'm sure that this is the place in my dream,Nightpaw must be close by."

The two she-cats nodded,bounding away.

I was on my own I guess.

Shrugging to myself,I padded around,calling Nightpaw's name and listening to see if I hear anything.

After a bit,the sun had risen to its tallest point,and was slowly starting to come down.

I met up with the rest of my patrol,and we exchanged news.

"We didn't find her anywhere near the river."Podflame shrugged.

"We didn't find any trace of her."Tinystorm flicked her tail in worry.

"What if she doesn't come back?"Silverpaw squeaked.

Nobody answered.

"Well,"Volepoppy spoke after a bit of awkward silence. "There is nothing any cat can do for her now,we just have to hope she finds her way out."

"Volepoppy is right,"Tinystorm meowed,getting to her paws. "Now let's get back to camp."

<~>Nobody's pov<~>

*Says in low,creepy voice: "Little did they know,that a few ways away,was a hole,and inside that hole,was a cat and a mouse......hahahaha...MWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH."

<~>Nightpaw's PoV<~>

"Guys! I'm right here! Can't you hear me!?"I shrieked.

No answer.

They were walking around right above my head!

"Mabye they are just ignoring me 'cuz they hate me,huh Grey?"

The mouse nodded his small head slowly,nuzzling my paw with his small head.

I smiled.

Who knew mice,the most common cat prey,could be such a good friend?

"But I'll find us a way out....we will be out soon,Grey.I know we will."

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