Biting,Battling and Bleeding

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The next day I padded out of the Warrior den,looking around camp.I was still confused and thinking about my dream.

I had seen my brother again!

But I didn't exactly know what my future was going to bring...guess I'll have to find out.

Smokepaw was sharing a thrush with Amberpounce,chatting in between bites.

Nightpaw was carrying moss and headed toward the elders den.She looked slightly upset.

Shaking my fur,I headed over to where Geckpuddle was explaining patrols. "Tinystorm,take,Nightpaw and Fogfoot to hunt near the maple trees.Once she is done with her chore of course."

I sat down to wait patiently,curling my tail over my paws.

The deputy turned to look at me. "You,Cinnamonstripe,and I shall go for a patrol along the grass meadow."

I nodded,joining Cinnamonstripe by the entrance of camp.
Geckopuddle joined us a moment after,flicking his tail for us to follow him.

We padded along in silence,me taking up the rear.

Each day was getting colder,and almost all the leaves were off the trees by now.The dead orange,yellow and red leaves crunched under my paws.

"Leaf-fall is almost over....soon it will be Leaf-bare."I mumbled to myself.It would get harder to hunt,prey would be scarce.

"Let's just hope no cats die."Cinnamonstripe meowed,falling back slightly to walk beside me.

"Yes,that's the last thing we need."I agreed,jumping over a small log.
My three paws slipped under my weight and I ended up flopped on the ground. "Oof!"

"Are you alright?"Geckopuddle crouched beside me,eyeing me carefully. "Can you get up?"

"Yes,I'm alright.I just slipped.But thank you."I staggered to my paws,shaking my fur out.I hated seeming like a burden....I wasn't....was I?

"I'll to check a little ways ahead!"Cinnamonstripe called as he raced ahead of us,his tail dragging in the dirt.He pushed through a bush,disappearing from my sight.

"We have to keep somewhat close to him,let's go."Geckopuddle headed forward,glancing back to make sure I was following,which I was.

We padded slowly after the reddish brown tom-cat,Geckopuddle listening to the sounds around us. "Stop,"He hissed,freezing. "What is that sound!?"

A low rumbling growl sounded from the bush in front of us,and I backed up.The NewtClan deputy stood protectively in front of me,fluffing out his fur.

A long,gray muzzle inched its way out of the bush,snarling to reveal long,deadly,sharp fangs.It stepped out so its whole body was showing.Shaggy gray fur,big paws,long,lean body,crazy,bloodshot eyes.This was a wolf,and it looked hungry.Starved,even.

Letting out a low whimper,it lunged forward,paws outstretched,heading straight for me.
I screeched in terror,rushing forward and sliding under it.The wolf landed with a loud thud,jumping to its feet and snarling at Geckopuddle.

"Cinnamonstripe!? We need help!"I wailed loudly,slashing out a front paw and watching as it drew blood from the wolf's shoulder.

The wolf,let's name him Fred so this is easier shall we? Okay.
Fred howled in pain,unsure what to do next.He snapped his sharp teeth at Geckopuddle,missing by only an inch or two.

Cinnamonstripe leapt down from a tree,fur sticking up. "What's wr-Holy StarClan!"He gasped loudly.

Fred whirled around to face the newcomer,letting out a whine of fright and frustration.Pushing back doubt,Fred focused on his hunger and anger,and lunged for Geckopuddle,clasping his teeth around the deputy's front leg.

Fred chomped as hard as he could and a feeble snap sounded from the leg of the deputy. Geckopuddle's eyes glazed over in pain,and he let out a shriek so horrible and pain-filled,it made me want to curl up and close my eyes.

"StarClan help me!"Geckopuddle wailed,wriggling desperately to free himself from the wolf's tight hold.

Blood was now gushing from his leg,soaking into the ground.Fred bit deeper,seeming to enjoy the taste in his mouth.Cruel animal.

"Stop! No! Please!"I begged,swiping weakly at the wolf,who reacted in no way,focusing on the prey underneath him.He pushed the cat down with his paw as he sunk his teeth into its neck,ending Geckopuddle's pain and suffering with death.

"No...."Cinnamonstripe whispered,trembling.He pushed against me,letting out a sob. "Let's get out of here.Quick,before it turns to kill us too."

Nodding weakly,we turned and raced away from the horrible sight,that I was sure I would never forget.

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