Trapped pt.1

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I stretched,my body stiff and freezing cold. "I think I'm frozen."I muttered.

Silverpaw chuckled,having woken up to free me from sitting vigil.

The night had been all rainy,and cold,very,very cold.

"I'm just so tired!"I yawned,my eyes heavy.

"Get some rest,you need it,"Silverpaw meowed,padding over to the prey-pile. "I'll bring you food later!"

I smiled.I have the best friend any cat could ask for.

Entering the Warrior den,I gazed around.

It was much different from the Apprentice den.

Tinystorm was curled up beside,Marblepelt,her soft snores echoing around the den.Lakesplotch,a bluish gray furred she-cat,was grooming herself in the corner,looking as if she had just woken up.

I made a circle,then flopped down for sleep.


I woke up in the forest,and noticed that I was on NewtClan territory.

I padded along,leaves and twigs crunching under my paws.

The wind blew softly,carrying the scent of cat.I twitched my nose,and followed the smell.

It lead to an abandoned fox den,and inside I could hear meowing.

Then a black and white cat ran out of den,running right through me.

They can't see me.duh.

"Wait!"I gasped. "Is that,Nightpaw?!"

It was!

I decided to follow her,needing to know if she was okay.

I gave chase,following the young apprentice around trees and through bushes.

She was mumbling to herself as she ran,but I couldn't quite hear what she was saying.

Then I heard a shriek,and she disappeared from my sight.

Glancing around frantically,I looked for her,but not finding her.

"Nightpaw!"I called,knowing she couldn't hear me.

Then I felt a sharp prod in my side,and I woke with a gasp.

Cherrybreeze was staring at me,a worried look on her face. "Are you okay? You were twitching and mumbling in your sleep."

"I'm good,I was just dreaming."I shrugged.

Cherrybreeze,nodded,heading out of the den,still muttering something under her breath.

I stretched,sleep still tugging at my paws,and walked into the camp clearing.

Geckopuddle had just finished sending out patrols,and was lying down in the shade.

It was a sunny day,which was nice since the night was all rainy.

The grass was still shiny with rain though,and the air was moist.

Wolfhowl and Tinystorm approached me,with friendly looks in their eyes.

"Hey! Wanna go hunting with us?"Wolfhowl tilted his head,his shaggy gray tail flicking lazily.

"No thank you,I have to speak with,Hornetstar.But maybe later."I replied.

"Okay."The two left the camp.

I headed into the Leaders den,almost slipping on a wet leaf.

"Greetings,Gingerleaf.How was your night? Quiet?"

"Yes,but it was rainy and cold."I shuddered,remember the chilly weather.

"Sorry about that."He chuckled. "Now what can I do for you?"He questioned me.

"I had a dream,"I started. "It showed me where,Nightpaw is."

The NewtClan leader looked interested. "Where?"

"By the stream,I could faintly hear water in the background.I'm not exactly sure where though,she disappeared when I followed her,she might be hurt."

"Then we must send out a patrol,you can lead it.Take,Volepoppy,Tinystorm,
Silverpaw and Podflame."

|~|Nightpaw's PoV|~|

I was running,not knowing where I was going.

Then I tripped,and fell into a hole,letting out a meow of fear and shock,as I plunged into darkness.

A small bit of light shone from the hole in the ceiling,but other than that,darkness camped around me,swallowing me.

I meowed loudly,scared of what else might be down here with me.

"Momma! Momma! I need you! Anybody!? Somebody!? Help!!"I yowled.

Dirt and dust covered my fur,and I was getting hungry.

"Oh,what do I do!!?!Somebody help!!!"

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