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"Dodge!"I hissed,swiping a paw at the gray tom in front of me.He let out a meow,and ducked his head,avoiding my paw.

"Give me more of a warning next time!"Smokepaw growled,again dodging another of my swipes.

"No!"I snapped. "The enemy won't give you a warning will they? So neither shall I."

It felt kind of weird to be training a cat older than me,but also exciting.Smoke was my first apprentice,and I wanted to show Hornetstar I could be useful.

"Wait,"Smokepaw panted. "Give me a short break."

We lied down,gasping for air. "Good job,you're getting better at dodging attacks."

"Thanks!"Smokepaw purred. "Can I ask you a question?"


"What happened to your leg?"He eyed my stubbed leg.

It had healed pretty good,and was covered over in fur.It seemed to barely slow me down now.

"Oh.When I was born,I had a dead/lame/useless leg.It made it hard to train and play like other cats.One night I had a dream of StarClan and a former leader told me to do what was best for me,which I decided was to bite/chew off my leg.It was the wisest thing I ever did.My life has been a lot easier."

Smokepaw's eyes widened. "Holy Fuzzball! I thought you just got wounded! I didn't know you were born with it!"

I closed my eyes and nodded,memories flashing through my head.

Willowspeck's eyes widened in horror. "No! You were fine the way you were!"
Then she tore out of camp,wailing loudly.

"Look,Cloudypaw!"I showed my brother my leg.He stared at it. "What?" He spat.
Silverpaw growled, "Be happy for her!"
"Why should I? You can do that.I never asked for a sister."

"Gingerleaf! Gingerleaf!!! Are you there!?"Smokepaw locked eyes with me.

I shook my head,trying to clear my mind. "Y-yes,just thinking."

"Anyways,"Smokepaw shrugged. "Want to get back to training?"

"Uh,I think we have done enough for now."I meowed,not really paying attention. "Head back home,I'll be there soon."

Smokepaw cast me a worried look,but obeyed,padding off toward camp,his tail swishing.

I sighed,crawling over to a small puddle and peering at it. "What's wrong with me? I seemed fine this morning,but now I suddenly feel so sad,tired and weak."I mumbled.

"Mabye I just need rest."I muttered,closing my eyes.

Sleep almost immediately consumed me,dragging me into a dream-filled sleep.


I padded through a unknown forest,nervous and slightly afraid of what I might find.

The trees were completely still,no breeze blowing their branches and leaves.But yet it was cold,freezing cold.The air around me chilled my bones and made me shiver.

A starry figure emerged suddenly from the bush in front of me,it's face showing no emotion as it stalked over to me.He looked familiar,like I'd seen him before.

"Greetings,"He spoke. "I am here to deliver a message from StarClan."

"Yes,what is it?"I asked curiously,flicking my tail tip excitedly.

"Your future is a great one,and know that you have StarClan to help you and guide you.If you ever have questions,just fall asleep and think about us.We will come to you and help anyway we can."He meowed. "But do not think our help will be clear to you."

Then he started to fade into the air.I let out a meow of protest, "Wait! Who are you!? What is so special about my future!?!"

The tom chuckled softly,his white fur almost completely faded away. "It's me,"He smiled sadly. "Cloudyfang."

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