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I stretched,and headed outside the warrior den.

I saw Silvershine yawning at the entrance to camp.Geckopuddle was speaking to her,most likely telling her she could speak and go rest.

As the silver cat passed by me,she grinned at me,and I sent her one back.

Then I headed toward the nursery,wanting to see Scorchkit and the others.

It was a sunny day,although a cold breeze blew by every once in a while.

Blossomfeather was grooming her kits one by one.Iciclekit wriggled around,desperate for freedom of her mother's tongue.

"Hello,Gingerleaf!"Blossomfeather lifted her head,smiling softly. "I suppose you're here to watch over the kits?"

"Yes,what time do you want them back?"I asked.

"Around sunhigh."She replied,licking Iciclekit once more on the head.

"Okay.Let's go kits."

I was taking all the kits with me on a trip through the forest,along with Tinystorm,Geckopuddle and Mintsong.
When I had explained the idea to Hornetstar,he had been more than excited for it.

The kits followed behind me as I led them over to where Geckopuddle and rest were waiting.

"Ready?"Mintsong asked.

"Yes."I nodded.

We all headed out,keeping the kits in the middle.

"Can we stop here and chase butterflies?!"Iciclekit begged,staring at a small patch of flowers with butterflies flying around them.

"Sure."I shrugged,watching as the kits  all ran over to the flowers,giggling and laughing.

All but Scorchkit,who stayed silent,watching the others playing.

I sat down beside him,wrapping my tail around the small kit. "What's wrong?"

Scorchkit flinched,sending me a small glare. "I dwon't wanna twalk to you!"

"Are you still upset with me for missing our play-date!?"I gaped at him.

"Yah! I was rweally wooking forwawd to dat!"Scorchkit wailed,looking away from me.

"I'm sorry,"I hushed him,nuzzling his head softly. "I'll make it up to you.How about we play a game?"

Scorchkit's head snapped up right away,his eyes shining happily. "Yes pwease!"

I left Mintsong,Tinystorm and Geckopuddle to watch the other kits.

Padding a little ways away,we stopped by a small puddle.

"Let's see if you can jump over it."I mewed.

Scorchkit crouched,wiggled his butt,and leapt over,landing softly on the other side.

"Good job!"I purred,leaping over it as well.

"Yay! I dwid it!"He cheered,prancing around me in circles.

"How about we go find some moss and take it back when we go home? You could give it to your mother."I suggested.

"Okay!"Scorchkit squealed,racing over to a tree and ripping off a large piece of moss that was about two times his size.

"Here,"I purred in amusement,padding over to him. "Let me carry that for you."

"Twanks,Gwingerweaf."Scorchkit meowed,trotting back to where the others were waiting.

"There you are!"Geckopuddle sighed in relief. "I knew you'd be okay,I just didn't know where you went."

"Yeah,sorry,"I dipped my head,dropping the moss. "I was making up for some time I lost with,Scorchkit."

"Let's head back now,shall we?"
Tinystorm asked. "Twigkit looks tired."

Nodding,we all headed back home.

- - - -

|~|Scorchkit's PoV|~|

"Here,mama!"I grinned as I dropped the huge chunk of moss at my mother's paws.

She purred,licking my head. "Thank you! You must've had a good time?"

"Yah! I went expworing wif,Gwingerweaf!"I giggled.

Iciclekit pushed me aside,smiling at her mum. "Well I caught a butterfly!" She boasted,puffing out her small chest.

"That's nice."Blossomfeather purred.

"And me!"Twigkit wailed. "I helped catch it!"

Blossomfeather chuckled. "Of course!"

Pulling all three of us kits forward,Blossomfeather snuggled close as we drifted off into sleep.

Time for a *Yawn* nap.... 💤

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