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"Did you hear about what happened to,Scorchkit?"Silvershine asked,as she leapt over a fallen tree.

I leapt over it as well,landing beside her lightly. "No,what happened?"

"He slipped coming out of the nursery yesterday and hit his jaw on rock,"The silver she-cat winced. "Blood went everywhere.He's resting in the medicine den."

"How come I wasn't told about this!?"I gaped,flicking my tail.

"I don't know.A few of the cats that were patrolling during the time probably don't know either.I was in the clearing and saw the whole thing."

We started walking again,dodging holes in the ground and jumping over branches.

"I'll have to pay him a visit,see if he's alright."I murmured,feeling sad that the young kit was hurt. "He probably doesn't like being cooped up."

"Yeah,kits take it hard when they injure themselves.Teaches them a lesson, though."Silvershine shrugged.

"I guess."I muttered,thinking deeply.
Hopefully he would be alright.And if what Silvershine said was true,hopefully he'd be more careful.


"May I come in,please?"I meowed softly into the medicine den,shifting my paws.The ground was cold,light frost covering it,freezing my paw pads.

"Of course."Ferretcloud replied,appearing in the entrance to flick his tail,indicating for me to come in.He led me over to a small bed where a ginger tom-kit lay asleep,his breath coming in short gasps.

Scorchkit's chin had cobwebs covering it,and he looked very uncomfortable in his sleep.He wriggled,mumbling something.

"Is he alright?"I asked worriedly,crouching down beside him.

"He'll manage.Only a cut.He'll be back on his feet and prancing around in about two days.I just don't want it to get infected,or him open it up with any rough play."Ferretcloud placed a ball of wet moss beside the kit,who blinked open his eyes.

"Hewo,Gwingerweaf."He mewed sadly,slurping up some of the water. "I dwon't wike,Fwerretcwoud,he's mean."

I chuckled,resting my tail on the kit's back. "He's only doing what's best for you.You will be fine a few days."

"Rweally?"Scorchkit looked doubtful. "Iciclekwit twold me I was never gonna be bwetter."

"Don't listen to her,"I stuck out my tongue playfully. "She's just upset you're getting more attention than her."

Speaking of Iciclekit,she and her sibling,Twigkit,came running in the den,squealing and hollering.

"Ferretcloud! Twigkit is trying to make me eat a s-shlug!"Iciclekit squealed,leaping away from the brown kit.

Twigpaw held a stick,and on the end of the stick was a small,slimy slug. "Eat it,eat it,eat it!"He chanted.

"Shush you,your brother is trying to rest,"Ferretcloud scolded. "And for StarClan's sake,get that slug out of here!"

Iciclekit and Twigkit shrank beneath their pelts,not wanting to be scolded.Twigpaw dropped the stick on the ground,flinched as it made a 'clunk' sound.

"Be nice,Ferretcloud,they're only kits,"I chuckled. "I'll take them out for a bit,keep them distracted....Feed them slugs."I grinned.

Iciclekit shrieked happily,turning and racing out of the den,her littermate following quickly after her.

"Awww,I wanna pway,too!"Scorchkit wailed,sitting up.

"You can help me sort herbs while you're here.Why not be of a use,hm?"Ferretcloud pushed a pile of herbs over to the kit.

"You will be playing with your littermate soon,Scorchkit,"I soothed,seeing as he was pouting. "I promise."Then I followed the two kits out of the den.

They were in the middle of the camp,tossing a moss ball back and forth,laughing as it hit someone and bounced off.

"What are we playing,moss-ball?"I tilted my head,sitting down and covering my front paws with my tail.

"Yeah!"Twigpaw squeaked,tossing the ball over to me.It bounced against my front paw.

I rolled it over to Iciclekit,who rolled it to Twigpaw,who hit it a bit too hard.It flew into the air,hitting Blossomfeather square in the face. "Oh my StarClan!"The Queen gasped,surprised.
The brown furred she-cat stood up,fur bristling.

The two kits burst into giggles,falling onto their sides.

"Sorry,Blossomfeather! I'm so sorry!"I apologized,taking the moss ball from the Queen.

"Oh,it's alright.It's all fun and games."She sighed affectionately,blinking at the kits in amusement.

"You're good with kits,Gingerleaf."Blossomfeather gazed at me,smiling gently.

"Thank you.They are so fun to play with.I never really had a good bond with my brother,and he died too quick."I shrugged. "It brings me joy to see happy kits."

"Yes.I felt such joy when I learned I was pregnant.My love for my kits is so strong,and I'm so proud of them.I'm so worried for,Scorchkit though,he's not used to being alone,and not being able to play."Blossomfeather closed her eyes.

"I'll visit him again tomorrow,see how he's doing.Ferretcloud said he'd only be there for about two days.He only needs time to heal."I meowed.

"Thank you,"Blossomfeather rested her tail tip on my shoulder. "He is very fond of you,and loves to talk and play with you."

I smiled. "I love to talk with him,too."

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