The Getaway Hill

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I lifted my head as sunlight flooded in the warriors den,warming my pelt a bit.It felt good.Getting to my paws,I stretched,arching my back and yawning.

"Morning,Gingerleaf."Robinfeather meowed from my side,blinking sleepily.

"Morning."I flicked my ear irritably.I was in a horrible mood today,despite waking up to sunshine.

I pushed out of the den,sneezing as the drooping fronds and leaves tickled my nose.The air was cold,immediately making me feel worse. "Stupid Leaf-fall weather."I muttered bitterly,walking over to where the Clan was waiting to go on patrol.

I sighed,jumping up onto a small rock. "Who wants to go hunting and who wants to go for a patrol?"I asked flatly,swishing my tail impatiently.

"Ummm,I guess I'll lead a hunting patrol."Raintuft shrugged,walking a bit to stand near the entrance. "Volepoppy and Beeflower,want to come?"

"Sure."Beeflower meowed immediately,leaping over Wolfhowl to stand beside the blueish gray tom.

"Yeah."Volepoppy nodded,pushing past Squirreltail to reach the others.

"Silvershine,"I ordered,glancing down at my best friend. "Take a patrol along the dirt path,be careful for any two-legs and/or their dogs."

"Alright,"Silvershine got to her paws,glancing around. "Squirreltail,Frogwhisker,Nightpaw?"

All the cats nodded,and they headed for the exit,Silvershine looking back once before she disappeared through the

"You guys can figure out the last hunting patrol,I need to clear my head."I sighed,lifting a paw to rub my chin a few times.

I leapt off the small rock,stumbling toward the exit.I pushed out of it,heading along a path that swerved around and led to a small hill.Trudging up the hill,I sat down at the top,gazing around.I could see Silvershine's patrol slinking away into the forest,Nightpaw taking up the rear.

The view was so amazing,and a light breeze blew in my face.Yes,I was cold,but I was enjoying this moment.I wished it would never end.

But it did,because all good things end.

Smokepaw walked up beside me,sitting down and craning his neck as he looked around at the view. "It's nice up here."

"Hmm."I hummed,closing my eyes and trying to block out the apprentice.

"You come up here often?"Smokepaw tilted his head,staring at me.I could feel his heated gaze on me,making my neck fur bristle slightly.

"Uh,no.I never really knew it was here.I was just walking where my paws led me,and that was here."I opened my eyes,glancing at the tom.

He was smiling at me,which I found comforting.It was weird Smokepaw made me feel so much safer,and less grumpy.

"Do-Do you ever wonder what it will be like in the future?"Smokepaw asked curiously. "Like,if you'll be dead,or deputy or mabye even leader? Like what will happen?"

"Honestly,no,"I shrugged. "Why think about things like becoming leader,when they might not happen? I have a very high chance I'll die.If I run into some sort of creature,dog,perhaps,
my leg might slow me down and I'll get eaten alive."

"True.But when I was a Kittypet I'd always dream about joining the Clans.I did.Now I'm dreaming of becoming a good warrior.I wonder if I will..."

"I'm sure you will,"I smiled softly. "You already had more training at the beginning than a lot of apprentices."

"Thanks,"Smokepaw mewed. "But I'm still worried that some cats might look down on me or say I don't deserve to be a warrior,because I used to be a Kittypet."

"I feel like the only cat that would hate you for being a Kittypet,would be,Cottonwillow."I snorted.

"Well,I sure hope she's the only one."He shrugged. "Anyways,I best get back to camp,Hornetstar asked me to see him."

"Oop,I hope it goes well."I blinked at him,flicking my ear.

"Hmm,thanks."Smokepaw flicked my ear with his tail tip,heading down the hill.

I waited in silence for a few minutes,enjoying the outdoors.

Suddenly loud caterwauling erupted from below me.Springing to my paws I raced down the path,tripping multiple times due to the speed I was running at.I felt like I was flying,and for a moment I was,jumping in the air and soaring a few feet,before landing clumsy and heavily on my face.Shaking it off,I hurried to the sound of shrieks,and burst out of the bushes to see a viscous dog cornering a red she-cat against a tree.

"Squirreltail!"I shrieked,hissing as the dog turned and barked its teeth at me.Its eyes were cold and hungry,its paws huge and strong.It would kill Squirreltail for sure.

Suddenly a flash of black and white fur flew in the air,landing on the dog's back and clawing at it.Nightpaw screeched,digging in and not letting go.
Frogwhisker joined his apprentice moments later,swiping at the dog with sharp claws.

I leapt into the battle too,attacking with my claws and teeth.It seemed we would win this battle.

But then another dog raced over,chomping down on my tail.I shrieked,yanking my tail painfully out from the dog's teeth.Blood dripped from my tail,but I ignored it for now,diving under the dog and scraping my claws against its stomach.

"Squirreltail,are you alright?!"I meowed frantically,meanwhile dodging attacks.

"I-I'm good!"The bushy tailed she-cat gasped. "But tired from being chased by those...creatures!"

"Go get help!"Silvershine growled,joining in on the battle.

Squirreltail nodded,racing away back to camp to get help.Hopefully she'd be quick.

"StarClan,no!"Silvershine spat,as two more dogs started running toward us.

"Get to a tree until help comes!"I ordered. "We can't defeat them all,they're too powerful."

Nightpaw leapt off the dog's back,landing heavily.She raced for the nearest tree,Frogwhisker right behind her,and climbed up to a branch,panting.

Silvershine raced beside me,running for a big tree.We both jumped for it,digging out claws in.I felt hot breath on my tail and my back paw slipped,leaving me dangling by my two front paws.

Silvershine reached down from her spot on the lowest branch,grabbed my scruff,and hauled me up beside her.

"Thank you!"I gasped,trembling from shock.The dogs circled below us,all four growling and whimpering.

"I couldn't just let you die,"Silvershine meowed seriously. "You'd do the same for me,I'm sure."
Lately I've been noticing that Silvershine has gotten more...serious? Or mabye mature? I'm not sure,but it's a good thing...I think.

We waited for about two more minutes till we saw fur racing towards us.Squirrelflight was leading Hornetstar,Marblepelt,Wolfhowl and Cloverstream over to us.

The dogs seemed to give up,either losing interest in us cats,or realizing they were somewhat out numbered.

"Let's get back home."Hornetstar meowed,his eyes worried. "I hope they don't come any closer to camp."

"I'm sure everything will be fine."Silvershine meowed with a shrug.

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