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It had been a few weeks,and the kits were getting along wonderfully with Basilfur's kits!

Iciclekit liked to hunt leaves with Hazelkit,and Twigkit liked play wrestling with Almondkit.

I noticed that Scorchkit usually got left out,and hung out with his mother a lot.

Mabye I can help him,I could plan with him!

Entering the nursery,I smiled at Hazelkit,who was playing moss ball with Iciclekit,Twigkit and Almondkit.

"Hey,Blossomfeather,"I called softly. "I was wondering if you'd like me to take care of,Scorchkit for a bit? I could play with him out in the clearing."

"Oh,thank you! He is getting slightly annoying I must admit."Blossomfeather chuckled,although her voice was full of affection.

"Scorchkit,"she smiled at her son. "Stay with,Gingerleaf,she will take care of you."

The small kit nodded his head,trotting after me as I exited the den.

"What should we play first?"I asked him.

"Mwoss-bwal! Wike my wiblings! Or wunting weaves! Or westling!"He chirped,jumping up and down.

"How about.....,"I thought for a moment.Then I remember something.
I never played games as a kit.My brother never wanted to play with me,so I usually just hung out with....Honeyspot.Suppressing a sigh,I finally thought of something. "We could go feather hunting?"

"Yes pwease!"Scorchkit squeaked,running in circles around me.

"Let's go over to the prey-pile and see if there are any birds."I ordered.

The happy kit bounced ahead of me,his short tail flicking around.

Cottonwillow was watching us with narrowed eyes,but looked away when I stared back at her.

"Wook!"Scorchkit mewed. "A bwack-bwird!"He giggled.

"Let's pick out a big,soft,pretty feather to play with."

We started pushing aside feathers with our paws,looking for a nice one.

"Here! I fwound one!" Scorchkit shrieked happily,plucking out a huge,
shiny,black feather.

"Yes! Now blow on it and it will float down from the air."I instructed.

He obeyed,blowing softly.The feather floated up into the air,then slowly drifted down and landed on the kit's nose.

"Weee!"He blew it again.

"Gingerleaf,"Tinystorm padded over to me. "Sorry to interrupt,but,Hornetstar has requested for a patrol to go to the abandoned two-leg den and fetch some catmint for,Ferretcloud,since it's almost leaf-bare.I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

I glanced at Scorchkit.We could always play when I got back.

"Sure,just let me take this little guy back to his mother."I mewed.

Tinystorm nodded,heading off to round up the rest of her patrol.

"Come on,Scorchkit.We can play when I get back."I meowed gently.

The kit groaned. "Bwut I wasn't dwone pwaying!"He whined.

"Later.I promise."I led him back to the nursery,dropping him off and finding my patrol.

It consisted of Mintsong,Tinystorm,Me and Ferretcloud.

"Let's go,"Tinystorm flicked her tail. "Ferretcloud,lead the way."


Once we reached the two-leg house,we jumped the fence easily,and flopped down on the other side.

The strong scent of catmint flooded my nose,and I blinked as my eyes watered.

"It smells very sweet."I stated.

"Yes.It's over there."Ferretcloud pointed with his tail to a plant with greenish-gray leaves.
"Take as much as you can,but leave some to grow."

We all grabbed some in our jaws,and started back home.

The scent was strong,and I kept having to set my herbs down to get a better grip.

By now the sun had almost gone all the way down in the sky,and it was getting chillier.

Dropping off our herbs in the med-den,Ferretcloud thanked us and we headed into our nests to sleep.

As I drifted off to sleep I remembered something.

I forgot to go to the nursery and play with Scorchkit.

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