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"Cloudykit and Gingerkit,from this day until the day you become Warriors,you shall be known as Cloudypaw and Gingerpaw,may StarClan guide you and your mentors,"Hornetstar stared approvingly down at us from his place on the Highrock."Beeflower,you will mentor Cloudypaw,I trust you to pass down all you know to this young cat,you are smart and a good trainer,"

Beeflower dipped her head,touching her nose to Cloudypaw's before leading him over to the edge of the gathered cats.

Hornetstar scanned the crowd for a minute before speaking, "Frostpool,you will mentor Gingerpaw.You are an incredible fighter and very wise,I trust you to pass down all you know to this young cat,who will try her best in return,to learn all she can."

The muscular white tom-cat touched noses with me,and excitement flared inside my stomach.

"Also,we have two new warriors to be made,"Hornetstar seemed less excited about this,but smiled nonetheless."Podpaw and Duskpaw,step forward."The NewtClan leader instructed.

The two apprentices did so,trembling in excitement.

"Your new names will be,Podflame and Dusksky.May StarClan protect you as you sit vigil tonight."

"When can we go look at the territory!? Or practice hunting and fighting!?"I questioned the white tom,shoving my face inches away from his.

He blinked in amusement,sitting down. "Rest and tomorrow morning we will head out on a tour of the territory.We will take Beeflower and Cloudypaw with us."

"Okay!"I purred,heading towards the nursery,only to remember I was an Apprentice now,and head towards the apprentice den.

I chuckled."Silly me."


I raced ahead of my group,Cloudypaw at my heels.

"Cloudypaw! Gingerpaw! Get back here!"Beeflower called,her voice frustrated.

I ignored her call,but my dead leg got caught on a root and I tripped,my chin slamming down hard on the ground.Then Cloudypaw rammed into my behind,and fell on top of me.

Letting out a hiss,my brother leapt off me. "What was that!!"he growled,smoothing down his fur with a paw.

The two mentors caught up,and Frostpool stood in front of me,looking me up and down."Are you okay?"he asked,only slight worry shining in his bright green eyes.

"I'm fine."I groaned,lifting my head.

Blood dripped onto the ground,and Beeflower winced. "Let's take you back to camp,you're hurt."

"What?! No!"Cloudypaw hollered in protest. "I'm not hurt! She is Frostpool's apprentice,let him deal with it."The grey tom glared at me.

This was not like brother.Had he changed since becoming an apprentice?

"Fine,"Frostpool sighed. "Let's go, Gingerpaw."

Sadly,I sulked back to camp.


Ferretcloud looked me over,and nodded to himself. "Let me get cobwebs and you should be fine,just take a day off of apprentice duties and come see me tomorrow for a checkup."

"But I haven't even been an apprentice for a whole day!"I protested,getting to my paws.

"Sorry,it's just how it has to be,"the medicine cat shrugged. "I don't want you getting even more hurt."

Sighing,I let the med-cat apply the cobwebs.

I headed towards the apprentice den,ducking in and laying down.
No other apprentices were in the den,so I got it all to myself.

I closed my eyes,immediately falling asleep and woke up in a moonlit meadow.

A starry cat padded over to me,dipping its head in a friendly way."Greetings,"It mewed. "I am,
Midnightstar,former leader of NewtClan."The black furred she-cat smiled warmly at me.

"W-what am I doing here?"I stammered.

"You must do what is best for yourself,"Midnightstar purred."And you are not cursed like some cats might say,you are Gifted my young one.Use your skills wisely,for a time will come when your loyalties will be put to a test."

Then the StarClan cat faded away to nothing.

Gasping,I sat up in my nest,eyes widened."What in StarClan did that dream mean?"I asked myself.

Midnightstar's words repeated themselves in my head.

Do what is best for You.

Suddenly I figured out what I had to do,but it wouldn't be easy.

Sighing,I pushed back a gag,and got to work.

Chapter two complete.

What do you think Gingerpaw is doing?

.. (⊃。•́•̀)..

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