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Unknown PoV~

I slunk through the trees,keeping quiet and low.I didn't want anybody to know I was here,or I'd fail my mission.

Pushing aside a branch,I crawled forward and settled down in the grass.Opening my mouth,I breathed in the scents around me.Mouse,Squirrel,Trees,Cats.

My mouth twitched upward in a small smile,and I chuckled bitterly,following the strongest cat trail.

"I don't see any cats.."I mumbled,glancing around to make sure no one had seen me.

It was hard to be a spy,that much was obvious,but I was pretty good at my job,usually never failing.

I heard voices up ahead and dropped into a crouch,getting behind the safety of a bush.

"Silvershine,I told you already,I don't like Robinfeather!"A black and white cat whined,whipping her tail around.

"You sure?"The silver cat chuckled,angling her ears and looking around.

"Silvershine....huh..."I mumbled,eyeing the cat carefully.She seemed familiar,but oh well.

"Yes,I'm sure.Robinfeather is too old for me."The other she-cat replied with a snap,her tone sounding annoyed.

A fluffy ginger she-cat was walking behind them,talking with a gray tom cat.

I narrowed my eyes and noticed that the ginger cat had a slight limp.Then she turned and I realized she had only three legs!

"Poor cat."I snorted,flicking my ear.I didn't really feel bad for her,she probably deserved it.I knew a cat who had only two legs,and he was sad and miserable all his life.

"Gingerleaf,tell your friend to stop annoying me."The whiny she-cat groaned,sending a glare toward Silvershine.

"Come on guys,be nice to each other!"Gingerleaf rolled her eyes,speeding up a bit to walk between the two arguing cats.

"Yeah,be nice!"The gray tom cat meowed,walking a bit faster to keep up with the others.

Then they disappeared between some trees.I got up and followed them silently,trying to stay a good length away.I could barely hear their voices from my spot,but I could make out some words.

I learned the gray cats name as Smokepaw.

Strange names indeed.Haven was right,these cats are weird.

My boss had told me to come here and check out what was going on here.I hadn't thought that the cats here would really be much different,but I was wrong.Their ways were so weird,and their names!

Haven had told me to come in search of a silver cat,which I assumed was Silvershine.I don't know why she wanted me to find her,she didn't tell me why.

"Well,I found her,I should be able to go now."I shrugged to myself,getting ready to turn around and head back to my home.

Suddenly I heard Smokepaw say, "Do you guys smell strange cat?".

Freezing in place,my neck fur bristled. He didn't smell me,right? I thought I was far enough away.

"Hello?"Gingerleaf called,looking side to side.

Unfreezing,I dove for a bush,ignoring the branches and thorns tearing at my pelt.I breathed hard,glancing over to see if they had noticed me.

Fortunately,they hadn't.

"You sure you smelt cat?"Silvershine questioned Smokepaw.

"I don't know,"He mumbled. "I thought I smelt something...weird."

"Never mind,it's clearly nothing,so let's head back.I have an important place to be."The black and white cat flicked her tail dismissively,already heading in the direction that must be their camp.

"Nightstorm,wait up!"Gingerleaf meowed,starting to follow her.

"Hmm,hopefully what I learned will satisfy,Haven."I muttered,turning around.I guess I'll find out.


"Haven,I'm back."I meowed,slinking into the barn.A pair of bright green eyes immediately turned to stare at me.

"Good,"Haven replied,her silver tail flicking lazily. "What have you learned?"

"I saw a cat named Silvershine,Gingerleaf and Smokepaw.I saw one other but her name wasn't mentioned,"I started,noticed Haven's eyes narrow. "They have weird names,talk about weird stuff,and act extremely....different."

"I see,"The silver she cat raised her black paw,licking it slowly. "I thought it might be a good idea for you to see some Clan cats.You are going to be living with them after all."

"What?!"I fluffed out my fur. "I never agreed to that!"

"You're a spy,correct?"Haven asked coolly,her ear twitching.


"Then this should be easy.Join the Clan,learn info,get to know all about them,rise and become leader.Boom,easy.Quick in and out."Haven snorted.

"Umm,it's easier said than done,really.I can't just become the leader!"I gaped at her.What was she thinking?!

"Well,try,"Haven shrugged. "It's not my problem,I'm not a spy."

"No.I quite.I won't be your spy anymore.I'm not going to live in a Clan,I'm a loner,and I'll live and die a loner."I spat,turning sharply and stalking out of the barn.

"Flare! Wait! Come back,please!? We can work things out,I promise!"Haven's pathetic meows called after me.

But I ignored them.I wasn't going to do what she wanted me to anymore.I'm my own cat,and I follow my rules.

I'm a loner,and I love it.

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