Approve Or Disapprove?

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Silverpaw and I headed into the leaders den,pausing for permission to enter.

Hornetstar lay on his side,grooming himself.He looked up as we entered and curiosity shone in his eyes."Greetings."

"Hey,"I smiled softly."Sorry to interrupt your washing,but I have something to show you."

He nodded his head for me to show him,sitting up.

I turned so he could see my leg.

Suddenly I got a burst of nervousness.
What if he doesn't approve of what I did and kicks me out of the Clan!?

His eyes widened ever so slightly as he took in the sight in front of him.

"D-do you think it was a bad idea?"I questioned him,my voice quivering.

"No,"He said finally,shifting his paws."If this makes you happy,then I'm fine with it.It will probably be easier to train and hunt without a dead weight pulling you and making you trip."

I sighed gratefully,happy to know he wasn't upset.

"Did you tell your brother and mother?"

I gulped."Y-yes,but Cloudypaw didn't care,he was super grumpy and said he didn't even want a sister,"

Hornetstar's eyes widened,shock written all over his face."That's not right."

I shrugged. "And my mother started freaking out than ran off into the forest."I sighed.

"I'll send a patrol out to look for her if she isn't back by tomorrow."he mewed.

I blinked gratefully at him.

"Now go see,Ferretcloud,he should check your face."

"Okay,thanks,Hornetstar."Silverpaw squeaked,heading out of the den.

I followed her,bouncing a little in slight excitement.

"Bye,I'll see you later,I'm going on a patrol with Squirreltail."Silverpaw called over her shoulder,running over to where the bushy tailed she-cat was waiting by the entrance of the camp.

I entered the medicine den,wrinkling my nose at the bitter scent of herbs,the sharpness burning my nostrils.

"Greetings,Gingerpaw! Has your chin been giving you any trouble?"Ferretcloud paused from sorting herbs and padded over to me.

"It's been good,I haven't noticed pain."I shrugged.


He inspected my chin,nodding his head in approval. "You may resume your Apprentice duties,but if you feel more pain,come to see me right away."

"Thank you."I murmured,exiting the medicine den.

Sunlight flooded the camp,and cats were everywhere.

Cottonwillow was sharing tongues with Podflame on a sunny rock,Volepoppy and Cloverstram were sharing a squirrel beside the prey-pile,Honeyspot and Cloudedgaze were basking in the sun outside the elders den and Hornetstar and Geckopuddle(deputy) were speaking in hushed tones near the leaders den.A few other cats were lying about as well.

Frostpool was pacing a few steps away from the medicine den,and let out a sigh of relief as he spotted me. "You're okay,now we can practice hunting and training!"

I nodded,following him out of camp,ignoring the glare coming from Cottonwillow.

"I don't get what her problem is."I muttered.

"Who?"Frostpool glanced at me,his eyes questioning.

"Cottonwillow.She is always glaring at me."I shrugged.

"Ignore her,she is only mean to you because she always needs some cat to aim her hate at.I don't think there has ever been a time when she wasn't glaring at some cat."

"Now,"he continued. "Let's practice hunting."


"Crouch low,keeping your tail hovering ever so slightly off the ground.Try not to swish it around,or you might alert your prey." He flicked his ears,and I crouched.

"Like this?"

"Yes,"He pushed me into place with his paws. "Perfect,now see if you can hear or smell any prey."

I obeyed,sniffing deeply and cocking my ears to listen. "I smell something."I mewed.


"Hmm,I think..vole." I answered.

I stalked forward,slowly and carefully.

The vole finally came into sight,and I bunched my muscles,preparing to leap.

Suddenly I leaned over slightly on my side that only had one leg and my front leg gave way,making me fall over onto my side with an 'oof'.

The vole snapped its head up,then dashed away.

"Go!"I shouted.

Frostpool blinked,then raced forward and disappeared into forest,returning in a moment with the vole in his jaws.
He set it down,sitting beside me. "Are you okay?"

"Yes."I smiled weakly.

Maybe the others were right.Maybe I was useless.

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