The Choice

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"So,what'ssssss it gonna be?"

Snake's questioned repeated itself in my mind,and I stepped backward,blinking rapidly.

This must be the test that Midnightstar told me about! But what is the right choice? Mabye StarClan was telling me I should go?

Shaking my head to clear the thoughts,I returned my attention to the she-cat in front of me. "I-will you give me some time to decide?"

A look of annoyance flashed across Snake's face,but she smiled sweetly and replied. "Of courssssse! Come back here tomorrow morning,early.Give me your ansssswer then."

Then the snake-like cat slunk back into the shadowed forest.

Shaking my head,I made my way back to the patrol.They were all waiting,prey in their jaws.

Oh fox-dung,I forgot to hunt!

"Where's your prey?"Nightpaw smirked,flicking her tail and looking smug.She had a plump rabbit lying by her feet.

Did she just want to come to show off her hunting skills?

"Sorry,I got distracted."I meowed,shrugging and heading back toward camp.

Podflame trotted to keep up with me,a small mouse hanging in his jaw. He looked empathetically at me,then sped up.

As we entered camp,Geckopuddle looked at us.His gazed stayed on me,before turning to Nightpaw. "Good catch!" Nightpaw puffed out her chest.

"Where is your prey?"The NewtClan deputy returned his look to me.

Before I could reply,Podflame had set down his prey and answered for me. "She was about to catch a squirrel,but I stepped on a twig and scared it away.I'm awfully sorry."He dipped his head apologetically.

It was just a fun hunting patrol,why must we lie?

Geckopuddle looked at him for a moment,before returning his gaze to me. "Is this true?"

Nightpaw was glaring at me,her eyes dark.

Podflame shot me a look,telling me I should agree.

"Umm,yes.And it's okay,Podflame,I'll get it next time."I winced in my head,not liking lying to the deputy.

"Well,you can rest then,and Nightpaw,can you go to the elders den please? Cloudedgaze has a tick on her neck."

Nightpaw groaned,stalking off to the medicine den to gather the mouse-bile.

I headed to the warriors den,then sighed and made my way to find my best friend. She would probably want some company.....right?

Wrong.She was hanging out with the kits,Almondkit and Hazelkit.

They were following the silver apprentice around,giggling and pouncing on her tail.

"Hey,Silverpaw!"I greeted.

Silverpaw looked at me. "Hey." She replied blankly.Then continued playing.

Was she mad at me?
It seemed like everyone had a reason to be mad at me these days.

Cottonwillow sat outside the nursery,watching Silverpaw play with the kits.She rose to her paws,and padded over to stand beside Silverpaw. "You're making the right choice.Gingerleaf thinks she is the most important cat in the Clan!Well,she is wrong! Apprentices should hang out with kits and cats that actually appreciate them,like me!"


Silverpaw looked torn,but finally let out a purr and smiled at Cottonwillow. "Thank you,you're truly a good friend."

Cottonwillow smirked at me,then headed back to her spot.

Snake said she would be the best friend I never had,mabye I should leave and join her?

But what about Tinystorm? She is my other best friend.... I can't leave her.Not now.This is my Clan.

My home.

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