Surprise! 🤨

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Silverpaw entered the apprentice den,casting me a look but staying silent.She curled up next to me,purring softly and closing her eyes.

After a couple minutes of silence,Silverpaw opened her eyes,glancing at me."Are you okay,Gingerpaw?"

I wriggled uncomfortably.I was going to tell my mother first,but she probably won't care.

"I..I did something to myself..."I started slowly,glancing at her with worried eyes.Would she hate me? Freak out? Or both?

"What?"The silver she-cat asked,tilting her head at me.


I showed her my dead leg.It was gone.

"Y-you chewed it off!?"Silverpaw gasped.


"That's great news!"The apprentice smiled,licking me over the ear. "Now you won't be slowed down by your leg!"

"Y-you it?"I murmured,unsure what to do or say.

"Of course! Now you're just like me and Cloudypaw!"

I smiled shyly. "Really?"

"Yes! Let's go tell your brother,mother and Hornetstar!"

We got to our paws,rushing over to where Cloudypaw was eating a sparrow beside Beeflower,who had a mouse.

"Hey brother!"I greeted him,making sure to hide my left leg."I have some exciting news to tell you!"

He frowned at me,blinking slowly."What?"he asked coldly.

I flinched at his harsh tone and Silverpaw pressed her fur against mine.

"Don't talk to your sister like that, Cloudypaw!"Silverpaw snapped,twining her tail with mine comfortingly.

I'm so glad I had Silverpaw as a friend,I don't know what I would do without her.

"Pfft!"Cloudypaw scoffed."You don't scare me,you're only an Apprentice."

"So are you."Beeflower pointed out sharply,then got to her paws as Cloudypaw glared at her.

"Deal with it like senior Warriors would."Beeflower shrugged,padding off to join Squirreltail and Raintuft.

"Can I just show you what I did?"I asked my brother desperately.


I turned,showing him my leg.

He merely blinked at it."Okay?"

I gaped at him.

Silverpaw growled,thrusting her muzzle inches away from my brother's.

"Be happy for her."Silverpaw spoke through clenched teeth,lashing her tail in annoyance.

"You can do that for me,"Cloudypaw shrugged."Plus,I never asked for a sister."

Then the dark grey tom stood up,grabbed his half eaten sparrow,and stalked off to the apprentice den.

"Ugh!"Silverpaw shrieked."He has such a bad attitude!!"

I pushed aside the sadness.

If he doesn't want a sister,then I don't want a brother!

"Calm down!"I rested my tail on her shoulder."Let's go tell my mother,I'm sure she will care."

Silverpaw gave one last huff,before following me.

We headed toward the warrior den,poking our heads inside.

Dusksky and Podflame were curled up next to each other in the corner of the den,snoring peacefully after their long day of hunting and patrolling.

Amberpounce was speaking in a hushed tone with Fogfoot,rolling her eyes at something he said.

Willowspeck,my mother,was gazing up at the ceiling of the den,her eyes clouded with worry.

"Hey, mother,"I called softly.Willowspeck turned her head to see me,and got to her paws.

We left the den,and I turned so my mother could see my leg.

Horror and fear splashed across Willowspeck's face,and she staggered backwards,her tail pressing against the Warrior den."No...W-what did you do to yourself!?"

I flinched.What did she mean by that?

"What?"I blinked at her,confused.

Wasn't she happy about this? I could finally hunt like Cloudypaw,and patrol like normal apprentices!

"No,"Willowspeck whispered."You were fine the way you were!"She cried,pushing past me to head out through the exit/entrance of the camp.

"Well,"Silverpaw frowned."I didn't expect it to go like that."

"Neither did I."I managed to choke out,sadness threatening to kill me.

I slumped to the ground,feeling more alone than ever before.

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