Sudden Death

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Twigkit's PoV~

"Yay! I can't believe Scorchkit finally gets to come out of the medicine cat den!"I cheered,bouncing and fidgeting beside my litter-mate.

"Yeah! It stinks having him stuck in there all the time.He needs to play with us!"Iciclekit frowned,flicking her tiny tail.

"His jaw seemed fine when I saw it,"Iciclekit huffed. "I don't see why it was so important to have him in the med den."

I knew my sister liked being the center of attention.This was hard for her,not having every-cat paying attention to her all the time.But she would have to learn to live with this sometimes.

"Let's go get him."I started toward the den,aware of my sister following closely behind me.
I pushed aside the vines draped down in front of the entrance,stepping inside.
"Hi."I called.

"Welcome,"Ferretcloud purred,looking up from sorting herbs. "Here for Scorchkit,I assume?"His meow was slightly sad,but he had a small smile on his face anyway.

"Yes.Where is he?"Iciclekit asked,tilting her small,white head.

"He is soaking moss in a puddle across the den,he should be done by now."Ferretcloud replied,just as Scorchkit returned,his jaw stuffed with dripping wet moss.

The ginger kit set down his moss. "Hello."
He smiled at me and Iciclekit.

"Don't worry little bro,you won't have to spend another second in this crowfood den.Let's go see mother!"Iciclekit wrinkled her nose. "It smells weird here,too."

Scorchkit and Ferretcloud exchanged sad looks,before the kit dipped his head and padded over to stand beside me. "Thwank you for twaking cware of me,Fwerretcloud."

"You're very welcome.It was my pleasure."Ferretcloud meowed gently,his face unreadable.

He was glad that Scorchkit was finally gone,right? He must of been a pawful.

"Let's go! I'm tired and want to see mama!"Iciclekit whined,tugging on Scorchkit's tail.

He sighed. "Okay,let's go then."And followed the bouncy white she-kit out of the den.

I hesitated,wanting to know more about what had happened in the last few days between Ferretcloud and my brother. "Ferretcloud?"

"Yes?"The med cat angled his ears toward me,but remained staring after the two kits who had just left.

"Are you going to miss Scorchkit hanging out and helping you everyday?"

"Yes,"He admitted with a sigh. "But it's not like he's leaving to become a rogue.I'll see him everyday,or almost everyday.He can still come by and help me sort herbs and throw away shrivelled ones."

"I guess,"I shrugged. "You—do you want him to become your apprentice?"I pressed,unsure and wanting to know as much as I could.

Something snapped inside of Ferretcloud and he let out a small growl. "You should be with your littermates and mother,run along now,shoo."

I stood up right away,hurrying out of the den.He obviously didn't want to talk about that stuff,so I'd learn a different way:Talking to victim number two.

"Scorchkit?"I ducked my head into the nursery.

"Yah?"Scorchkit walked over,slipping out of the den to stand beside me.

"We need to talk."I thrusted my head to a bush right behind the nursery.Scorchkit followed me,and we wriggled past the bush into a small,tight spot where we could see each other.

"I have some...questions,that's all."I meowed,getting comfortable.

"Okay,what are they?"

"Are you going to miss hanging out and helping Ferretcloud?"

"Yah... It was weally fwun!"Scorchkit grinned,then his face saddened.
"I-I don't wanna be a warrior...."

"What do you mean?!"I perked my ears in surprise,my eyes widening slightly.Every kit born in NewtClan wanted to be the best warrior ever,why didn't Scorchkit?

"I.....I wike hwelping cats.."

"But you can help cats by fighting to protect them from rogues and wild animals."I pointed out.

"I meant help hweal them.With,like,herbs and things."Scorchkit huffed. "I want to be a medicine cat."

<^> Gingerleaf's PoV <^>

I was glad Scorchkit was back to being a regular kit,running and playing with his littermates.Although he seemed a bit more....tired? Un-playful? Bored?

He seemed to really enjoy hanging out in the medicine den,but mabye he just liked helping cats.

He'll do lots of helping when he becomes an apprentice,always helping the elders and collecting moss.

Smokepaw came over to sit down beside me,a smile on his face. "Hey!"

"Hi.."I meowed,slightly distracted.

"What's up?"Smokepaw's tail tip twitched.He gazed at me,confusion in his eyes.

"Nothing really.Just thinking."

Suddenly a shriek rang out from the entrance of the camp.

Leaping to my three feet I bolted toward the sound.Reaching the camp entrance I glanced around crazily.My eyes landed on a small bundle of white fur,trembling and shaking.

Smokepaw skidded to a stop beside me,staring at the white blob with fear. "What has happened?!?"

I crouched down beside it and realized with horror that it was Iciclekit. ""

Blossomfeather let out a wail of pain and grief,crouching down beside her kit.She gently licked Iciclekit's neck. "How!?"

I glanced around and spotted a few glistening berries lying on the ground.
"Deathberries!"I gasped,sucking in a tight breath.

"What?!"Blossomfeather glared at the half chewed berries. "But she should of knew better than to eat those!"

Then realization hit me.

If Iciclekit should've known better than to eat random berries she found....someone must of fed them to her....

I let out a faint whisper,which no one heard, "there is a murderer amongst us.."

Okay,okay,so you might be thinking, "Oh,Darkstripe fed that one kit(who I forgot the name of) deathberries! Well,'s pretty much the same. :) Hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways!

Question:What's your favourite pov?(In this book)

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