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The camp was bustling,cats everywhere.Some were helping tighten the dens up due to a storm that loosened everything and flew things everywhere.

Twigpaw trotted by,his mouth clamped around a branch.He turned out to be one of the most helpful apprentices ever,always wanting to do as much as he could.

Scorchpaw padded by with a green herb clamped in his jaw.He was a good medicine cat apprentice,trained well by Ferretcloud.

Smokewhisker slid past me,smiling at me.He turned out to be a great warrior,growing stronger and smarter.He became mates with Dusksky,even though he knew what she did.

Hornetstar lost two lives,but was still strong and optimistic,helping out and talking with me lots.

Tinystorm remained herself,friendly and bubbly.She would constantly ask to hang out with Silvershine and I,in the forest or by the stream.

Silvershine matured a bit more,although she was always mature.
She really loves to hunt with me and Tinystorm,especially birds.

Nightstorm became a bit less annoying,although she still complained about stuff quite often.

Robinfeather hung out with me lots,enjoyed life,and often bathed in the sunlight.

Cloudedgaze got weaker and weaker,but still lived to snap at new apprentices.She was lonely,but some kits would visit her every once in a while.

Cottonwillow became a bit more fond of me,tolerating me more,but not being friendly toward me.Her tongue stayed as sharp as always though.

And as for me,well,I did pretty well.
Life as the deputy became much easier.
Everyone helped out,encouraging me and/or making patrols with or without themselves.

I never did see Snake,Owl or Falcon again.They mustn't left for good,or been hiding extremely well.

The snow had all melted,and sunny days welcomed us with open arms.

Thankfully,no one got green-cough or white-cough in Leafbare!

I never thought a Clan could be so peaceful,but it was.Nothing had came to ruffle our fur in a while,thank StarClan.

Ferretcloud hadn't had any dreams of prophecies or anything,which in a way,
was a good thing.

Yes,sometimes life got a bit boring,but when it did,I'd go out with my besties and enjoy the wonderful days.

In the all,everything turned out alright.

And every time I think I'm not worth anything,I think of all my friends,and family.Honeyspot,Dewbush,
Willowspeck...Even Cloudyfang.

I closed my eyes,breathing in the familiar scents around me,the scenes I'd grown to love;long for.
Live for.

I couldn't ask for a better home.I wouldn't want to live in a barn,or in a Two-leg den.I'd want to live here,forever.

Or as long as I could.

And until I die,I'll keep enjoying my life.
With my friends,and my family.

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