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Scorchkit's PoV~~

I blinked my eyes open,staring around the den.It was a day after Gingerleaf had visited me,and I was actually sort of enjoying myself.

Shaking my fur lightly,careful to not damage my wound,I padded over to where Ferretcloud sat,looking at the herb storage shelves. "We need more tansy..."He mumbled.

"Hewo."I meowed,sitting down next to him and wrapping my tiny tail around my paws.

"Hello,Scorchkit."Ferretcloud smiled at me,turning to look down at me. "Remind me that we need tansy."

"Owkay."I grinned,looking at the small withered pile of yellow leaves.The sweet smell of tansy was fading.

"Let me apply new bandages,"Ferretcloud meowed,gazing at my chin. "Come over here."
He chewed up a herb,which I thought might be chervil root,and applied the pulp to my chin.It only stung a bit.
Then he put on some cobwebs.

"Would you like to help me discard withered herbs?"Ferretcloud asked me once he had put anyway the extra cobwebs.

"Yes pwease."It was the only thing I'd get to do all day,why not?

Ferretcloud passed me some limp yarrow,it's smell faint. "Keep or throw?"


"Correct.Why? Do you know?"

"The weaf is wimp?"I tilted my head,pawing at the white herb.

"Yes."Ferretcloud smiled approvingly down at me,his eyes shining with pride. "It's nice to have someone who will listen to me,for once."

"But,cats always wisten to you."I was slightly confused.

"I mean....enjoy listening to me talk?Most cats find it boring or think I'm a bad teacher.I'll never be as good a teacher as Dewbush."

"Dats not twue!"I bumped my head against his shoulder softly,letting out a squeak.

He laughed gently. "Thanks,but it's okay,I'll find myself a worthy apprentice some day."

"Mabye Twigpaw wants to be your appwentice! He said he wants to help his Cwan the bwest he can!"I sat back down.

"Mabye,"Ferretcloud nodded. "I guess I'll have to wait and see."

Gingerleaf's PoV~~

I inched forward,tail stiff and lifted just off the ground.My nose was tickled by the grass,but I ignored it,focusing on the prey in front of me.Once I was at jumping range,I wriggled my rump,and lunched forward,landing heavily on the mouse.It let out a squeak as I killed it,falling limply before me.

"Good job!"Tinystorm purred,stepping out of her hiding place. "I thought you might've needed help so I stuck around.But I guess you got it."

"Thanks anyways."I lifted my mouse,purring at my friend.

"I'll walk you back?"Tinystorm offered,flicking her ear.

I nodded,unable to get many words out with this mouse clamped firmly in my mouth.I followed her back,the mouse's juicy smell making me hungrier and hungrier.

Once we reached the camp,and I ran straight for the medicine den,not stopping to ask to come in.I looked around for Scorchkit,and saw him talking with Ferretcloud over by the medicine herb storage.

"Hey,"I meowed as I dropped the mouse beside the kit. "This is for you."
I sat down beside him.

"Thwanks!"Scorchkit rumbled,digging in right away.He licked his lips,leaving a tiny bit left. "I'm fwull....and...tired."He stretched,heading over to his moss bed. "Can you twell me a stwory?"
He asked me.

"Sure."I smiled.I turned to Ferretcloud,meowing to him, "You can finish the mouse."

Then I hurried over to Scorchkit's side and lay down facing him.He closed his eyes and curled his tail around his body.




"There once was a squirrel.She didn't have a home,though,but that was because she travelled everywhere.She would always be somewhere different,and she liked it.One day,let's name her...what do you want to name her?"

"Leaf."Scorchkit mumbled sleepily,his tail flicking lazily.

"Alright.One day,Leaf spotted a group of wild cats hunting in the meadow.They were slinking towards her,still and silent,or so they thought.
So,Leaf decided to play a trick on them,as she was very clever.She pretend to not see them,chewing on a nut,but when one jumped for her,she raced for a tree,climbed up it to safety,and started mockingly laughing down at them. 'They were the fools.' she thought with a laugh,running away into the tree to have a nice sleep.Thee end."

I smiled,seeing as Scorchkit had fallen asleep,his side falling and rising as he breathed.I rested my tail on his back for a moment,saying a silent goodbye,before getting up and padding over to the exit. "Later,Ferretcloud."I whispered,disappearing through the den exit.

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