Apprentices and a Warrior

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"Gingerleaf,wake up!!" I felt a prodding in my side,and snorted,raising my head. "What?"I thought it was Smokepaw,but it was actually Nightpaw.

"Today I'm having my Warrior ceremony!"Nightpaw squealed,bouncing up and down in excitement. "Oh,and Almondkit and Hazelkit are becoming apprentices,but that's not as important!"

"Well,I think it's just as important.Without any apprentices,nothing will get down,or warriors will have to help with apprentice duties."I gazed at the black and white she-cat.

"Okay..."Nightpaw sighed. "Anyway,I'm going to go do my assessment now,bye!"She flicked her tail,turning and disappearing through the den exit.

"Apprentices always get so excited when they become warriors,"Tinystorm rose into a sit and started washing her fur. "It's amusing,really."

I licked my paw,swiping it over my ear. "Yeah.I remember when I became a warrior.It was the best day of my life."

"Really?"Tinystorm sounded slightly surprised. "Even better than when you became deputy?"

"Yup,"I nodded,staring off into space. "I...It was more...exciting.I knew I would become a warrior,but something about it..gave me butterflies of happiness and joy."

"You know,I kind of get it."Tinystorm nodded her head slowly,pausing mid way to swiping her paw over her chin.
"Silvershine told me yesterday about the dogs."

"Oh,yeah.That."I frowned,remembering the blood thirsty monster dogs,chasing after me,snapping at my tail.

"I'm glad everyone was okay,"Tinystorm smiled softly. "And I think that's part of the reason,Frogwhisker said that,Nightpaw was ready to become a warrior."

"She did really well in the battle."I agreed,twitching my ears.

"What's going on outside?"I stood,hearing commotion coming from outside of the den.Pushing out I saw Cottonwillow arguing with Smokepaw,fur bristling and teeth bared.They were facing each other,glaring fiercely at the other.

"What is going on here!"I pushed in between them,shoving them apart.

Cottonwillow stumbled back,then let out a hiss. "This..mouse-brained cat thinks he can say what patrol he will be in! He's just a Kittypet! And when I tried to tell him we choose him for the patrols,he freaked out."She spat bitterly,saying the word 'Kittypet' like it was a piece of crow-food.

"Hey!"Smokepaw growled,wriggling his rump like he was about to pounce.

"Stop!"I shouted,glaring sternly at Smokepaw,who stopped and looked back at me.

"Both of you need to calm down and ask yourself this, 'Is this really worth fighting over?',alright?"I kept flicking my gaze between the two cats,watching their reactions.

"B-but...,"Cottonwillow started,fading off a bit.She shook her fur,glaring once more at Smokepaw. "I suppose you can go on that patrol you wanted to,Smokepaw."She sniffed,turning and stalking over to her patrol,flicking her tail for them to follow her as she left through the camp entrance.

"Sorry,"He lowered his head. "I didn't mean to make her upset and cause a scene.Especially so early."

"Hey,it's not your fault.Cottonwillow just likes to make people mad;ruffle their fur."I shrugged,laying my tail on his shoulder. "Don't take it too personally,okay?"

"But she called me a Kittypet! She obviously hates me!"Smokepaw pointed out.

"She hates everyone.She doesn't hate me that much anymore,but when I was little,she hated me so much,because she thought I was just a burden."

"I guess you proved her wrong."Smokepaw chuckled. "But,thanks,Gingerleaf.For helping me."

"Of course,"I mewed. "Anytime,friend."


"Almondkit,you have reached the age of six moons,and it is time for you to be apprenticed,"Hornetstar gazed down at the trembling kit,warmth shining in his eyes.

"From this day on,until you receive your warrior name,you shall be known as,Almondpaw.Your mentor will be,Marblepelt.I hope Marblepelt will pass down all she knows to you."

He watched from his spot on the Meetingrock as Marblepelt stood and walked over to Almondpaw,touching noses with him.Then they both went and sat down.

"Hazelkit,you have reached the age of six moons,and it is time for you to become a apprenticed,"He switched his gaze to the smaller brown she-kit,who was looking confidently up at Hornetstar.

"From this day,until you have received your warrior name,you shall be known as,Hazelpaw.Your mentor will be,Wolfhowl.I hope Wolfhowl will pass down all he knows to you."

The two touched noses,padding off to sit down.

"Hazelpaw! Almondpaw!"
"Almondpaw! Hazelpaw!"
"Hazelpaw! Almondpaw!"

"Now,Nightpaw,step forward."
Nightpaw obeyed,stepping forward,excitement shining within her.

"I,Hornetstar,leader or NewtClan,call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice.She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn,"

"Nightpaw,do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan,even at the cost of your life?"

Nightpaw lifted her head strongly,although she seemed a bit nervous. "I do."

"Then,by the powers of StarClan,I give you your warrior name.Nightpaw,from this moment,you will be known as...Nightstorm.StarClan honours your courage and bravery,and we welcome you as a full warrior of NewtClan."

Nightstorm seemed like she would burst with pride,puffing out her chest happily.

Hornetstar leapt down from the Meetingrock to rest his muzzle on Nightstorm's head.She licked his shoulder and then they both stepped back.

"Nightstorm! Nightstorm! Nightstorm!"

"You will sit vigil tonight,"Hornetstar dipped his head. "May StarClan protect you during your night."

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