Shooting Star

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"Have you ever sween a swooting stwar?"Scorchkit tilted his head,watching me from his moss bed.

I had come early to see him,and he had immediately started bombarding me with questions.

"Iciclekit told me she saw one wast night,and now I wanna see one!"He whined,sticking out his tongue.

"I've have never seen one,but I know someone who has."I replied,twitching my whiskers in amusement at the kit.

"Can we go twalk to them?"Scorchkit begged,his eyes wide and adorable.

"Sure."I shrugged. "Why not?"

This was Scorchkit's last day in the medicine den and he would be good and healed.He seemed a bit disappointed,which was kind of confusing.But I ignored it.

He's probably just going to miss talking to Ferretcloud.

Scorchkit followed me out of the den and toward the Warriors den,ducking into it.Most cats were awake and out already,but luckily the cat we were looking for was still there,although asleep.
Padding over to Tinystorm I prodded her gently in the back,causing her to wriggle.

"Hmmm,what?"Tinystorm mumbled,snapping open her eyes. "What's wrong!?"She sat up quickly,eyes darting around.

"Scorchkit has a question for you."I chuckled,watching as Tinystorm relaxed slowly.

"Oh,"She mumbled. "What is it,Scorchkit?"She faced the kit.

"Have you sween a swooting star before?"He burst,curiosity flaring in his eyes.

"Yes,It was beautiful!"Tinystorm sighed dreamily. "Like a flash of light across the sky.Some say it's a StarClan cat flying in the sky,although that sounds a bit ridiculous."

Scorchkit giggled. "Dats fwunny! I want to see a swooting star!"

"Mabye you will one day,"Tinystorm licked the kit's ear. "Remember to look up at the sky every once in a while."

"I will!"The energetic kitten grinned,stomping his feet.

"Now,let's go back to your den,"I nodded the kit. "Tinystorm has some sleeping to do."

Tinystorm snorted. "I should be getting up,but I don't think I will."She mumbled,flopping back down and closing her eyes,wrapping her tail around herself.

I led Scorchkit back to the medicine den,meowing a quick farewell. "See you tonight,Scorchkit.I'll pick you up and take you up the hill tonight and see if we can spot any shooting stars."

"Okay,bwye!"Scorchkit grinned,waving his paw goodbye.

This was going to be fun,I thought,smiling to myself.
'Hopefully Scorchkit gets to see a shooting star.'


"Gingerleaf,wake up,it's time,"Silvershine nudged me in the shoulder,her voice a mere whisper. "Scorchkit is waiting outside the medicine den for you."

"Okay...just gimme a moment...."I coughed,yawning and sitting up.Most cats were sleeping by now,curled up with their friends.I had taken a nap so I could stay awake with Scorchkit.

Padding out of the den,I headed toward the excited kit,who was bouncing around outside. "Hi!"He cheered as soon as he saw me,flicking his ear and licking my chin.

"Hi,"I laughed,licking his head in return. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah!"Scorchkit nodded quickly,already rushing past me to the exit of camp. "Come on!"

I followed,snorting in amusement.Scorchkit got excited over the smallest things,although they didn't seem small to him.

We followed the path up the hill,only stopping once for Scorchkit to take a breath.He had decided to run the whole way,ending in a tired,panting kit dragging himself up the hill.

Finally we reached the top,and collapsed there,sighing and looking up at the sky.The stars twinkled brightly in the distance,magical and mystical.

"Won day I hwope I gwet to twouch a star,"Scorchkit hummed,reaching a paw into the air. "Or I gwet to becwome one,that'd be fwun!"

"Mabye you will,"I gazed fondly at him,twitching my whiskers. "Who knows?"

"StarClan does,doesn't it?"Scorchkit titled his head,thinking deeply.

"StarClan doesn't know everything,"I murmured,wrapping my tail around my cold paws. "Although they are very wise,that's true."

Scorchkit leaned against my side,lifting his head to see the sky. "Will I go to StarClan when I die? I'm scared I won't know how to get there.."

"You'll be fine,don't worry."I soothed,wrapping my tail around his body.

Then,a flash flew across the sky,right above us.It was fast,but beautiful nonetheless.

"A swooting star!"Scorchkit chirped excitedly,his eyes shining brightly. "I saw a swooting star!"

"Yes,you did,"I smiled,closing my eyes and lifting my head to the sky. "It must've been sent from StarClan."

"Y'a think so!?"Scorchkit gasped,turning to look at me. "Really!?"

"Mabye,"I chuckled. "I guess we'll never know for sure."

"Thwank you StarClan for wetting me see a swooting star!"He squealed,bumping my side with his head.Then he yawned. "Now I'm tired,and ready for bed."

"Then let's go back to camp."

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