Mouse-brained Apprentice!

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I yawned,opening my eyes and blinking sleepily.
Sunlight peered through a small hole in the roof of the den,warming my pelt slightly.

I barely got any sleep last night due to a  long day of working.

Frostpool and I kept hunting and even practiced some fighting.I managed to catch an old shrew and a mouse,which made me really happy.I helped Silverpaw clean the elders of ticks,and finally I brought a blackbird to Cottonwillow,because she was too lazy to get it herself.

I got to my paws and headed out of the den.

I spotted Geckopuddle sending out patrols and went to watch.

"Squirreltail,take Silverpaw and
Fernwhisper to the lake and see if there have been any rogues near,you can hunt on the way back if you'd like,"he instructed. "And Cottonwillow,
Frogwhisker,Cloudypaw and I will go looking for Willowspeck."

Silverpaw bounced over to her patrol,waving her tail at me to say goodbye.

As the patrol left I made my way to the elders den,the one place I knew was peaceful.

I peered in. "Can I come in for a bit,
please?"I called softly into the den.

Honeyspot's raspy voice replied to me. "Of course,darling."

I entered the den,lying down beside Cloudedgaze. "Hey."I greeted the blind elder.

She just grunted in return,resting her tail briefly across mine.

"So,"Honeyspot faced me,her gaze gentle. "what's up?"

I sighed. "My life is so confusing,I don't know what to do."I admitted.

"What do you mean?"the elder asked me.

"Well,I can barely hunt for one thing,Cloudypaw doesn't even acknowledge me as his sister,or even a cat,my mother hasn't come back from when she ran away,Cottonwillow hates me with all her heart....must I continue?"

Honeyspot stared at me,pure empathy shining in her eyes. "My life was also hard,"she began,coming closer to crouch beside me. "I wasn't exactly 'popular' either.My mother loved me deep down but was afraid to show it,don't ask me why,I don't know why.My father didn't want kits,so when he heard my mother was expecting,well,let's just say things didn't exactly go as they should of.My father decided the life of a Kittypet would be better than being a father,so he took that fur-brained head of his and set off for the Two-leg den a few ways away.We never saw him again."

As she finished her story,her eyes brightened. "But that doesn't matter,what does matter is there are cats in my life that do love me,and that's all I care about.Gingerpaw,"she stared at me,seriousness in her eyes. "Ignore all the haters,and pay attention only to those who love you."

Then the elder got to her paws,and limped slowly over to her bed,curling up and closing her eyes.

Feeling better than before,I headed out of the den.

I slipped into the apprentice den and frowned,remembering that now we only had three apprentices,including me.

"We have Nightkit,her apprentice ceremony should be soon."I shrugged to myself.

Curling up for a small nap,I closed my eyes.

Elders are such wise cats.


"Gingerpaw,"Hornetstar poked his head into the den. "please come out and meet me outside my den."

I yawned,following him out.

Geckopuddle was sitting,waiting patiently with his paws tucked under him. "Hey."he meowed.

I dipped my head in respect to the deputy,sitting down beside him.

"So,"Geckopuddle began. "on my patrol,we didn't find any trace of your mother,she seems long gone and not coming back.I'm sorry,Gingerpaw."

I sighed.I should of known,really,I just didn't want to accept the truth.

"I..I understand."I murmured.

The leader nodded,flicking his tail for Geckopuddle to follow.

They entered the leaders den,leaving me alone.

Honeyspot padded up to me,her bones creaking and groaning as she walked. "Would you like to take a walk with me?"

"Sure."I stood up.

There was no way I was letting the elder walk in the woods on her own.


We padded through the forest in silence for a bit.

"What's your favourite prey?"the cream coloured elder asked me. "Mine is thrush."

"Mine would have to be..,"I paused for a bit,not knowing the answer.Then it hit me. "I like squirrel,it was amazing the first time I tried it,unlike any other prey I've had."I answered finally.

Suddenly a horror filled shriek rang through the air.Dashing forward we followed the screaming.

Bursting through the bushes we landed on the ground and gazed around to see a large badger cornering a young cat against a boulder.

"Cloudypaw!"I screamed in panic.

My brother was almost unrecognizable his fur was so caked with blood.

Before I could do anything,Honeyspot
had rushed forward and thrown herself between the small apprentice and the furious badger.

"Go,Cloudypaw!"she yowled over the loud growling of the badger.

Cloudypaw took off running towards camp,not even looking back once.

"Mouse-brained excuse of a brother!!"I yelled after him.

If he heard me,he ignored it.

Returning my attention to Honeyspot,I noticed she was losing,she was an elder after all.

But before I could lung forward to help her,the badger had her throat in his jaws,and chomped down on it.

Honeyspot's scream was cut off abruptly and the badger dropped her to the ground with a thud.

Seeming satisfied,it lumbered off,leaving me to stare in horror at the dead elder.

My dead friend.

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