Is This...Happiness?!

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|~|Silverpaw's PoV|~|

I hurried toward the leaders den,not knowing exactly what would happen.

"May I come in?"I called into the den.

"Of course."A mew responded almost instantly.

I entered,sitting down and facing Hornetstar.

Geckopuddle was in the corner of the den,watching me with interest.

"What can I do for you,Silverpaw?"The NewtClan leader tilted his head.

"It's about,Gingerpaw,"I gulped. "She needs something good in her life to keep her happy,she's just a ball of fur and depression."I stared at my paws.

"Your concern is good,but I don't know what to do for her,she hasn't any family left in her life."He replied gently.


"Did Dewbush,have any brothers or sisters?"I questioned.

"Hmm,"Hornetstar flicked his tail thoughtfully. "I don't quite remember,you would think they would be hated among this Clan since they were a sister/brother to Dewbush."

Geckopuddle inched over to us,clearing his throat to get our attention. "If I remember correctly,Dewbush had a sister named Doeholly,but I'm pretty sure she is either dead,or left the Clan."

Hornetstar nodded at the NewtClan deputy,and Geckopuddle backed away into his corner again.

"Did her mother have any siblings? Or parents? Or even best friends?"I begged.

Hornetstar chuckled a bit. "I'm not sure,why don't we ask the Clan,hm?"

"Oh,yes please!! Thank you!!"I leapt to my paws,running out of the den and sitting beside the Meetingrock.

Hornetstar and Geckopuddle followed me out; the leader leapt onto the rock,with Geckopuddle sitting next to me.

"Clan meeting!"Hornetstar called loudly.

The Clan started to gather,whispering among themselves.
Once the Clan was all settled,he began.

"It has been brought to my attention,that a young cat doesn't have any kin,so,Gingerpaw,step forward."

The surprised apprentice obeyed,sitting down closer to the Meetingrock.

"Is anybody here aware of being  related to this here apprentice? Or know anybody related to her? Or would like to be her friend?"Hornetstar questioned the Clan.

Cats started chatting quietly,casting looks at each other.Then a small she-cat stepped forward,lifting her head bravely. "I can be Gingerpaw's friend,although I'm not her kin."

Hornetstar dipped his head. "Thank you,Tinystorm.Clan dismissed."

|~|Gingerpaw's PoV|~|

Tinystorm immediately came over to me,and dipped her head in a friendly greeting. "How are you,Gingerpaw?"

"I'm okay."I replied honestly,feeling a little better than before.

"Shall we go hunting?"The light brown she-cat meowed. "We can take Silverpaw with us if you'd like."

"Yes please."I purred.

This was good,I have a new friend!

Silverpaw met up with us at the exit of the camp,and we padded out together.
All three of us were chatting softly as we made our way through the forest, having a great time.Finally we came across the scent of prey,and stopped to find it.

"There!"Tinystorm hissed,pointing with her tail to a clump of strawberries, where a mouse was sitting,nibbling hungrily at the delicious,tiny,red berries.

Crouching low,we all circled around a different way,making sure we trapped it.When Tinystorm gave the signal,we all burst from the bushes.The look of surprise on the mouse's face was hilarious!

It started to run,leaving its strawberries behind,but we caught it.

Silverpaw caught the mouse's tail with her claw,and flipped it over to Tinystorm,who bit it and flung it over to me.I wasted no time in sinking my teeth into its small body.

"Good job,girls!"Tinystorm purred,padding over to inspect the mouse. "It's a good looking mouse,too."

"Yeah,we did good,all of us!"Silverpaw nodded.

Okay,so maybe,just maybe,I will fit in and be a good warrior after all.

With the help of my new friend,and my old friend.

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