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"The new deputy will be.....Gingerleaf."

My eyes widened in shock.I never expected to become the deputy!
I would of thought mabye Wolfhowl or Reedquake!

I puffed out my chest nonetheless,proud of my new role. "I will try to be a good deputy."I promised.

To my surprise,no cat said anything bad about me.They all seemed...content?

"Knew it."Somebody murmured from the crowd,but it sounded happy not bitter.

Leaping down from the Meetingrock,Hornetstar gazed at me. "I know I made the right choice.StarClan told me."

"Did you have a dream?"I asked,confused.

"No,"He purred in amusement,but sadness still shone in his eyes. "I could feel it.Geckopuddle would approve,I'm sure."

I dipped my head. "Thank you,Hornetstar.I'll try my best,really."

"I know you will.I'm counting on it."He nodded.Then he turned and headed into his den,muttering something I couldn't quite catch.

Silvershine came over to me and rubbed her head against my shoulder. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you!"I purred,happy for her praise.I'm glad we are friends again.

"Tinystorm,you and I should go out to celebrate! Like the old times."The silver cat smiled warmly,wrapping her tail around her paws as she watched the tiny form of our friend walk over to us.

"It would be fun."Tinystorm agreed,sitting down next to us.Her brown eyes flickered around the camp. "It looks peaceful enough here.Shall we?"

"Of course."I smiled softly. "Where too?"

"Mabye we could sit on the Two-leg fence and watch the monsters driving by?"Silvershine suggested.

"Yes,that sounds lovely!"Tinystorm and I agreed,getting to our paws.

"Let's go."


"Here we are."I stared up at the fence,bunching my muscles to leap.It was harder than I expected,must be my leg.

Leaping up,I dug my claws in and scrambled my hind leg against the wooden fence. I heaved my body up and sat,panting,at the top.

Two shapes to my left and right sat down as well,staring around at the view.

"It's lovely tonight."I murmured,breathing in the cool scents of the night.The air was crisp and cold,but felt nice against my hot fur.

I watched the houses and Thunderpaths,thinking about the time I had come here and met Smoke.

Inside some of the Two-leg buildings I could see cats sitting in the window stills,watching us from the safety of their homes.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to live in a Two-leg home."Tinystorm said,breaking the silence.

"You should ask,Smokepaw."I turned to look at her. "He used to live here,he'd know some stuff."

Silvershine had stayed silent,but finally spoke. "I wouldn't want to live in a house,"She mewed. "Not enough...freedom."

"Smokepaw said he could go out whenever he wanted to.He would hunt mice and hang out with other cats."I shrugged.

"How old is Smokepaw?"Silvershine asked,flattening her ears to her head.

"A bit older than me,I think.I never actually asked him how old he was,I'm just assuming."I replied.

"Hmm."Silvershine hummed,staring off into space.

"Well,we should probably head back to camp before it gets too late/dark out."Tinystorm meowed,jumping down off the fence.

"Alright."I meowed,landing beside her.Silvershine plopped down next to me,shaking her fur.

"Let's go."I said with a yawn.


Stretching,I emerged from the Warrior den,blinking away the sleepiness in my eyes.The sun was rising up in the sky and the air was cold.

"Brrr."I mumbled,fluffing out my fur.
I padded over to the group of cats waiting to go on patrols.

"Marblepelt,can you take some cats out on a hunting patrol? Mabye down around the stream?"I asked nervously,not sure if I was doing my job right.

"Sure.With who?"She replied,tilting her head.

"Whoever.....or if you really want me to tell you I can."I shrugged.

"It's okay.Beeflower,Raintuft and Fernwhisper,want to come?"

The cats she named nodded,and they all headed out.

"One more hunting patrol,who wants to go?"I asked.Searching the group of cats for some volunteers.

"I'll go."Amberpounce stepped forward,twitching her whiskers.

"And me."Fogfoot stepped forward as well. "It's been a bit since I went hunting."

"I'll go as well,which should be enough."Frostpool shrugged,heading toward the exit.Fogfoot trotted after him,Amberpounce at his heels.

"And one patrol to make sure no intruders or wild animals are on our territory?"I flicked my tail.

Icepetal,Hawkbelly and Squirreltail stepped forward. "We'll do that,deputy."

"Thank you."I nodded. "That should be it for now then."

Everyone dispersed,leaving me to think.

This should get easier.I think I'll do alright,especially with such helpful Clanmates.

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