Silverpaw's Ceremony

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I was happy for Silverpaw! Her warrior assessment was today!

Hopefully she would pass.

I watched Almondkit and Hazelkit playing with the silver apprentice,and purred in amusement when Hazelkit pounced on Silverpaw's tail.

Blossomfeather was outside the nursery laying in the sun,eyes closed.Scorchkit was curled up beside his mother,watching the two kits playing.

Scorchkit's siblings had gone to the elders den to ask Cloudedgaze to tell them a story,and Scorchkit hadn't wanted to go.

Getting to my paws,I padded over to the little,orange kit.

"Hey,Scorchkit."I meowed,smiling at him.

He glared at me,turning his head and shoving it in his mother's fur.

"Hey,"I protested. "What did I do?"

He pulled his tiny head out and faced me. "You dwidn't pway wif me when you got bwack!"He wailed.

"I'm sorry,I was tired! We can play now though!"I leaned down to meet his eye level.

"No! I dwon't wanna pway wif you!"He cried,then turned and ran into the nursery.

I sighed. Kits these days.

Blossomfeather purred. "Sorry about that,he's just upset.He'll get over it."

I nodded my head to the queen,and made my way over to Geckopuddle.

"Okay,Frogwhisker,take,Gingerleaf and Nightpaw tree climbing,I want some cats to practice climbing."He ordered.

I padded over to the black and white apprentice.Frogwhisker soon joined us.

"Let's go!"He meowed energetically,heading out of the camp.

I followed and Nightpaw brought up the rear.

As we headed toward the big oak trees,Nightpaw trotted to keep pace with me. "I bet I can climb higher than you."She grinned smugly.

"Hah! I bet I can climb higher than you!"I retorted,picking up my pace a bit.

Great StarClan this cat is annoying!

Racing ahead,I stopped in front of a tall oak tree.

"It's huge!"Nightpaw gasped,skidding to a stop beside me.

Frogwhisker was already waiting for us,and smiled. "So,you dig your claws in and shuffle up,climbing on branches.Once you get used to it we can start jumping from tree to tree and hunting squirrels and birds up there."

Nightpaw's eyes shone. "I'm probably already a pro!"She grinned,leaping forward and sinking her claws into the bark.She screeched as the bark came off the tree and she came crashing down with it.

"Oop!"She mewed cheekily,sitting up and shaking tree bark and moss bits out of her fur.

"Gingerleaf,"Frogwhisker flicked his tail. "Your turn to try."

I stepped up to the tree,and sunk my claws in.Then I hoisted myself up and started slowly climbing,testing the bark before continuing up.It was surprisingly easy for only having three legs.

"Good job! Now you follow what,Gingerleaf is doing,Nightpaw."

The black and white apprentice sighed,and then I heard grunts from farther down as she climbed up after me.

I finally reached the first branch,and clambered onto it,gasping for air.

"That's good! Now see if you can climb down,now we must climb down tail first,unlike squirrels and things like that that climb head first."Frogwhisker explained.

Nightpaw reached the branch and crawled over to crouch beside me,panting as well. "W-wow,that was s-surprisingly h-hard."She breathed.

"Now let's go back down."I chuckled,already slipping past her to start climbing down.

Halfway down I felt my foot slip,and I let out a screech,falling down.I sunk my claws into the tree,and was able to catch myself before I plummeted to my doom. "Thank StarClan!"I gasped. "I almost died!"

I climbed down the rest and leapt onto the ground.

Frogwhisker stared at me. "Are you okay!??"

"Yes,"I muttered. "Just a bit in shock."

Then there was a 'plop' beside me and Nightpaw had landed.She looked at me,her ears flattened to her head. "You good?"

"Yup.Now we don't want to miss,Silverpaw's Warrior ceremony!"

"If she completes her assessment."Nightpaw mumbled.

"Come on then,"Frogwhisker smiled. "That's enough tree climbing for one day."


"Silverpaw,do you promise to be a good warrior,and protect this Clan,even at the cost of your life? Blah blah and all that stuff cuz I forget."Hornetstar looked down at the silver apprentice.

"Y-yes!"Silverpaw squeaked nervously,shivering happily.

"Then I give you your warrior name.From this day forward,your name shall be..."


What should Silverpaw's Warrior name be? Because I'm running out of name ideas.(No longer needed)

Have a great day! ❤️

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